Quick Guide

  1. Head north from Mauville City to the lower section of Route 111.
  2. Use HM06 Rock Smash to clear the path blocked by rocks.
  3. Go to Route 112’s lower section, where you’ll encounter your rival and obtain HM04 Strength.
  4. Traverse Fiery Path to reach Route 112’s north side.
  5. Proceed west to access the upper side of Route 111 and speak with Aarune, who will introduce you to Super-Secret Bases.
  6. Keep heading west until you reach Fallarbor Town.

Route 111 (South)

Route 111 (South)
Route 111 (South)

After heading north through Mauville City’s north exit, you’ll be on Route 111.

But before you proceed, make sure to teach HM06 Rock Smash to a Pokémon in your party.

Route 111 is divided into two sections by a currently inaccessible desert area. There are a lot of trainers but no tall grass in both sections of the route. The south section you’re currently on does have a pond and breakable rocks if you want to encounter Pokémon here.

Wild Pokémon

Route 111 – South (Fishing – Old Rod)
Species Magikarp Goldeen
Encounter Chance 65% 35%
Levels Lv. 10-15 Lv. 5
Route 111 – South (Rock Smash)
Species Geodude
Encounter Chance 65%
Levels Lv. 13-16

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Macho Brace Gift from Victoria after defeating all the Winstrates, inside the Winstrate House

Winstrate Family’s House

Talking to Victor Winstrate
Talking to Victor Winstrate

In the house near the pond, you can take part in an optional battle challenge. Speak to the man in front of the Winstrates’ house and you’ll face all four family members in back-to-back battles.

If you defeat them, you can visit their house to get a Macho Brace from Victoria Winstrate, who’s seated on the top-right side of the table.

Talking to Victoria Winstrate
Talking to Victoria Winstrate

Using HM06 Rock Smash

Using HM06 Rock Smash
Using HM06 Rock Smash

As you head north, you’ll come across breakable rocks that blocked your path if you visited this area before obtaining the third Gym Badge.

Now that you can use HM06 Rock Smash, break the rocks to pass through. When you do, you have the chance to find an item or encounter a wild Pokémon.

The full list of obtainable items are listed below:

  • Big Pearl
  • Ether
  • Hard Stone
  • Heart Scale
  • Max Ether
  • Max Revive
  • Normal Gem
  • Pearl
  • Revive
  • Soft Sand
  • Star Piece

West Exit to Route 112 (South)

Exit to Route 112 (South)
Exit to Route 112 (South)

Continue north, and you’ll notice the entrance to the desert area dividing the route.

Since it’s inaccessible before obtaining the fourth Gym Badge, head west onto Route 112 to take the long way to Fallarbor Town.

Route 112 (South Side)

Route 112 (South)
Route 112 (South)

Immediately after entering the route, you’ll be greeted by your rival.

He won’t battle you this time, but he heals your party and gives you HM04 Strength. Keep in mind, you can’t use it outside of battle yet until you obtain the fourth Gym badge.

Then your rival heads off to Fallarbor Town to look for Professor Cozmo. After the cutscene, continue exploring Route 112 to reach the base of Mt. Chimney.

Wild Pokémon

Route 112 – South (Tall Grass)
Species Numel Machop
Encounter Chance 60% 40%
Levels Lv. 13-16 Lv. 13-16

Northwest Exit to Fiery Path

Exit to Fiery Path
Exit to Fiery Path

At the base of Mt. Chimney, you might notice Team Aqua/Magma Grunts blocking the path to the Cable Car station. Keep this spot in mind because you’ll have to revisit it later on.

For now, enter the cave entrance to Fiery Path, located northwest from the staircase at the base of Mt. Chimney.

Fiery Path

Inside the Fiery Path
Inside the Fiery Path

Fiery Path is a cave that serves as a connection between the top and bottom sections of Route 112. It even includes a hidden side path about half the size of the cave, accessible with HM04 Strength.

However, as mentioned earlier, you’ll need the fourth Gym badge to use Strength – so that area will be blocked for now.

This cave is inhabited by a wide variety of different Pokémon, so catch one that interests you as you walk north along this path.

Wild Pokémon

Fiery Path (Cave)
Species Numel Grimer Koffing Slugma Torkoal Machop
Encounter Chance 40% 30%
10% 10% 5%
Levels Lv. 13-16 Lv. 14-16 Lv. 15 Lv. 15 Lv. 15 Lv. 15

North Exit to Route 112 (North)

Exit to Route 112 (North)
Exit to Route 112 (North)

Eventually as you wind through the linear pathway you’ll find the exit of the cave leading to the other side of Route 112.

Route 112 (North Side)

Route 112 (North)
Route 112 (North)

The northern part of Route 112 is relatively short, with only one trainer to battle. Keep moving east to continue.

Wild Pokémon

Route 112 – North (Tall Grass)
Species Numel Machop
Encounter Chance 60% 40%
Levels Lv. 14-17 Lv. 14-17

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Persim Berry x3 On a Berry Tree, north of a Street Thug
Razz Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, north of a Street Thug

East Exit to Route 111 (North)

Exit to Route 111 (North)
Exit to Route 111 (North)

Continue eastward and you’ll soon be on the north side of Route 111.

Route 111 (North Side)

Route 111 (North)
Route 111 (North)

On the north side of Route 111, you won’t encounter any Pokémon. However, you’ll find numerous trainers as you head north.

If your Pokémon need healing, there’s a rest stop nearby, saving you from the need to return all the way to Mauville City.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
TM94 Secret Power Gift from Aarune during a cutscene, outside a Secret Spot
Elixir On a cliffside, east of the Old Lady’s Rest Stop

(Requires a Mach Bike)
Nanab Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, north side of the route
Rawst Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, north side of the route
Razz Berry x1 (Daily) Gift from a Schoolkid, near the Berry Trees

Aarune and Super-Secret Bases

Meeting Aarune
Meeting Aarune

As you explore the route, you’ll come across a Pokémon Ranger named Aarune.

A cutscene will start and he’ll introduce you to Super-Secret Bases and give you TM94 Secret Power.

During the cutscene, Aarune will set up your first Secret Base and the necessary items to start decorating and personalizing your new hideout.

Obtaining decorations for your Secret Base
Obtaining decorations for your Secret Base

Old Lady’s Rest Stop

Outside the Rest Stop
Outside the Rest Stop

Located on the east side of the route, there’s a rest stop where you’ll find an elderly woman. Talk to her to fully heal your team for free.

West Exit to Route 113

Exit to Route 113
Exit to Route 113

Once you’ve reached the northernmost part of the route, your next destination is Route 113 to the west.

As you exit the route, you’ll encounter your rival again. Your rival will heal your Pokémon again before heading to Fallarbor Town, which should now be nearby.

Route 113

Route 113
Route 113

After your rival leaves, continue westward through Route 113.

This unique route is covered in volcanic ash that’s located between Route 111 and Fallarbor Town.

Keep an eye out for soot piles scattered along the route, as they might contain items or hidden trainers ready for a surprise battle.

Wild Pokémon

Route 113 (Tall Grass)
Species Spinda Sandshrew Skarmory
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 15-18 Lv. 15-18 Lv. 16-18

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Soot Sack Gift from a man, inside the Glass Workshop
TM32 Double Team Near the ledge, center of the route
Hyper Potion Under a soot pile, northwest corner of the route
Max Ether Under a soot pile, outside the Glass Workshop
Super Repel Near the Fairy Tale Girl, northeast side of the route
Ether (Hidden) Under a soot pile, near the Trainer Tips sign
Nugget (Hidden) Under a soot pile, far south of the Glass Workshop

Glass Workshop

Outside the Glass Workshop
Outside the Glass Workshop

An optional location on the western section of the route is the Glass Workshop. Inside, you’ll receive the Soot Sack from the workshop owner, which allows you to collect soot from the volcanic eruptions in Mt. Chimney.

Various quantities of soot can be gathered by walking through the soot piles outside the route, ranging from 5 grams to 100 grams (with the higher gram amounts being much rarer to find).

After obtaining soot, talk to the man inside the Glass Workshop to exchange it for useful items:

Item Description Soot Needed
Blue Flute A flute made from blue glass that awakens sleeping Pokémon. 250 grams
Yellow Flute A flute made from yellow glass that snaps Pokémon out of confusion. 500 grams
Red Flute A flute made from red glass that snaps Pokémon out of infatuation. 500 grams
White Flute A flute made from white glass. It makes it easier to encounter weak Pokémon in the place you use it. 1000 grams
Black Flute A flute made from black glass. It makes it easier to encounter strong Pokémon in the place you use it. 1000 grams
Elegant Chair Super-Secret Base Decoration 6000 grams
Elegant Desk Super-Secret Base Decoration 8000 grams
Inside the Glass Workshop
Inside the Glass Workshop

West Exit to Fallarbor Town

Exit to Fallarbor Town
Exit to Fallarbor Town

When you’re finished exploring the route, head west to enter Fallarbor Town.

Fallarbor Town

Fallarbor Town
Fallarbor Town

Right outside Fallarbor Town’s Pokemon Center, you’ll notice your rival waiting for you.

Approach him and he will take you inside Professor Cozmo’s house.

As it turns out, the professor has been kidnapped by Team Aqua/Magma and was taken to Meteor Falls. So that’s our next destination to progress the storyline.

Though feel free to explore the town for a bit before setting off to rescue the Professor Cozmo.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Honey (Daily) Gift from a Bug Maniac, inside the Pokémon Center
Nugget (Hidden) On a crater, west of Professor Cozmo’s house

The Contest Hall

Outside Fallarbor’s Contest Hall
Outside Fallarbor’s Contest Hall

Just like in Slateport City, Fallarbor Town has its own Contest Hall if you’re interested in participating in a Pokémon Contest.

The Move Reminder

Outside the Move Maniac’s House
Outside the Move Maniac’s House

In the north-western part of the town is the Move Maniac, also called the Move Reminder.

He’ll teach your Pokémon any forgotten moves from their learnset at the cost of one Heart Scale per move.

You likely don’t have Heart Scales at the moment, but be sure to return here when you have some to spare.

Talking to the Move Maniac
Talking to the Move Maniac

Poké Mart Stock Update

Inside Fallarbor’s Poké Mart
Inside Fallarbor’s Poké Mart

In Fallarbor’s Poké Mart, the second clerk offers three other types of Poké Balls for sale. Here’s a list of what he sells:

Upper Clerk
Item Price
Quick Ball 1,000
Dusk Ball 1,000
Dive Ball 1,000

West Exit to Route 114

Exit to Route 114
Exit to Route 114

To help rescue Professor Cozmo in Meteor Falls, leave Fallarbor Town and proceed westward to enter Route 114.

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