Quick Guide

  1. Explore Mauville City and acquire an Acro or Mach Bike from Rydel’s Cycles.
  2. Go to the north side of the city to find the Mauville City Gym and battle Wally in front of the Gym.
  3. Challenge Mauville’s Gym Leader Wattson to earn the 3rd Gym Badge.
  4. Exit Mauville City through its north exit to reach Route 111.

Mauville City – 1F (Tour)

Mauville City’s interior
Mauville City’s interior

Upon your arrival in Mauville City, you’ll encounter Wally and his uncle in the hallway. Wally will swiftly head to the city’s Gym. To progress in the story, you’ll need to follow him.

But before pursuing Wally, take some time to explore Mauville. As Hoenn’s largest city, it’s made up of three levels. You’re currently on the interior section of the first floor, which is divided into four sections (north, east, west, south). Each section contains various shops and facilities.

In the center lies the inner courtyard / central plaza, which has the city’s Pokémon Center and Pokemart.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Acro Bike / Mach Bike Gift for visiting Rydel’s Cycles, on the east side of the city
Vs. Recorder Gift from a man when you first enter the Battle Institute, on the east side of the city
Reveal Glass Gift for bringing Thundurus, Tornadus, or Landorus in Narcissus Mirror Shop, on the west side of the city
TM48 Round Gift from a Beauty inside Crooner’s Café, on the west side of the city
TM58 Sky Drop Gift from a Delinquent, inside the Poké Mart
Treecko Doll, Torchic Doll, Mudkip Doll Gift from the owner of the closed Game Corner, on the west side of the city
Globe Gift from a Backpacker, on the city’s inner courtyard
X Speed Behind the city map, on the south side of the city
X Defense (Hidden) Behind Square Tower, on the city’s inner courtyard

South Side

Mauville Food Court

Outside the Mauville Food Court
Outside the Mauville Food Court

Heading up the hallway from the city’s southern entrance, you’ll find the Mauville Food Court. This unique spot allows you to order food and participate in battles for rewards.

During this stage of the game, your ordering options are limited to the Village Sub Combo.

With a turn limit of 5, face off against up to 5 trainers, who will all use Lv. 17 Pokémon. You can earn some berries or a Nugget as a grand prize depending on how well you do.

Vending Machine

In front of the Vending Machine
In front of the Vending Machine

Beside the Food Court you’ll find a vending machine offering three different drinks at varying prices. The drinks sold here are a more cost-effective alternative to the potions they sell over at the Poké Mart.

Item Price
Fresh Water 200
Soda Pop 300
Lemonade 350

West Side

Pokémon Reflexology Services

First stall in the west hallway
First stall in the west hallway

The Pokémon Groomer can be found among the various stalls in the western hallway. Once a day, she can provide a massage to one of the Pokémon in your party, boosting its friendship/happiness.

PokéMileage Center

Second stall in the west hallway
Second stall in the west hallway

Right next to the Reflexology Services is the PokéMileage Center. In his stall, a Gentleman will allow you to exchange your Poké Miles for a variety of items:

Item Price Item Price
Berry Juice 10 Poké Miles Moomoo Milk 20 Poké Miles
Full Heal 30 Poké Miles Max Repel 35 Poké Miles
Hyper Potion 60 Poké Miles Ultra Ball 60 Poké Miles
Ether 120 Poké Miles Max Potion 125 Poké Miles
Full Restore 300 Poké Miles Max Revive 400 Poké Miles
Rare Candy 500 Poké Miles PP Up 1,000 Poké Miles

Narcissus Mirror Shop

Third stall in the west hallway
Third stall in the west hallway

Moving down the west hallway, the Narcissus Mirror Shop is a shop that doesn’t sell anything. Instead the owner will give you the Reveal Glass Key Item if you have the following Pokémon in your party:

  • Thundurus
  • Tornadus
  • Landorus

This item enables these Pokémon to transform between their Incarnate and Therian Formes.

Ritzy Ribbon Retail

Fourth stall in the west hallway
Fourth stall in the west hallway

Located opposite the Mirror Shop is the Ritzy Ribbon Retail. When you purchase a ribbon, it will be added to your lead Pokémon’s ribbons. Spend your money wisely, as these ribbons are purely cosmetic.

Ribbon Price
Gorgeous Ribbon 10,000
Royal Ribbon 100,000
Gorgeous Royal Ribbon 999,999

Crooner’s Café

Outside the Crooner’s Café
Outside the Crooner’s Café

The western section concludes with the Crooner’s Café. Here you’ll encounter two notable NPCs.

The first one is the Beauty behind the counter, and she will give you TM48 Round.

The second NPC is an old man who serves as a Move Tutor for Keldeo and Meloetta’s signature moves. These moves, when learned, transform Keldeo into its Resolute Form and allow Meloetta to transform into Pirouette Forme in battle.

Move Type Eligible Pokémon
Secret Sword Fighting Keldeo
Relic Song Normal Meloetta
Inside the Crooner’s Café
Inside the Crooner’s Café

East Side

Rydel’s Cycles

Entrance to Rydel’s Cycles
Entrance to Rydel’s Cycles

Head to the intersection on the east side and you’ll spot the Bike Shop, also known as Rydel’s Cycles. Inside, Rydel will generously give you a bike for free when you mention your journey from Littleroot Town.

There are two bikes to choose from:

Acro Bike: Mach Bike:
  • Faster than running but not as fast as the Mach Bike.
  • Capable of hopping across specific wooden bridges.
  • Can perform wheelies, allowing you to navigate up and down certain ledges.
  • Starts off slow but accelerates to twice the normal speed.
  • Can climb up muddy slopes at full speed.

Your choice won’t matter for now, so pick whatever you like. You can always switch Bikes later if you talk to Rydel again.

Battle Institute Hoenn

Outside the Battle Institute
Outside the Battle Institute

When you first enter the Battle Institute, a man in a suit will give you the Vs. Recorder Key Item. You can use it to record your battles on the PSS and in the Battle Maison.

Currently, you can’t participate in Battle Tests inside the Battle Institute. But after entering the Hall of Fame, you can challenge this battle facility to test your skills and earn you some BP.

Inverse Battle Stop

Outside the Inverse Battle Stop
Outside the Inverse Battle Stop

Right next to the Battle Institute Hoenn is the Inverse Battle Stop, a unique facility run by Inver where Inverse Battles take place.

In these battles, type matchups are reversed, making moves that are usually super effective, not very effective, and vice versa.

If you defeat Inver, he’ll reward you with an item based on your score.

Ultimate Move Tutor

First Move Tutor stall
First Move Tutor stall

In the east hallway there are two stalls, both containing Move Tutors.

The Ultimate Move Tutor teaches an “ultimate move” to any fully-evolved starter:

Move Type Eligible Pokémon
Frenzy Plant Grass
  • Venusaur
  • Meganium
  • Sceptile
  • Torterra
  • Serperior
  • Chesnaught
Blast Burn Fire
  • Charizard
  • Typhlosion
  • Blaziken
  • Infernape
  • Emboar
  • Delphox
Hydro Cannon Water
  • Blastoise
  • Feraligatr
  • Swampert
  • Empoleon
  • Samurott
  • Greninja

Battle-Combo Move Tutor

Second Move Tutor stall
Second Move Tutor stall

The neighboring stall is the Battle-Combo Move Tutor. The Black Belt here will teach any starter Pokémon combo moves. These moves combine to create an added extra effect when performed by two of your Pokémon during Double or Triple battles:

Move Type Eligible Pokémon
Grass Pledge Grass
  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur
  • Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium
  • Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile
  • Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
  • Snivy, Servine, Serperior
  • Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught
Fire Pledge Fire
  • Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard
  • Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion
  • Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken
  • Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
  • Tepig, Pignite, Emboar
  • Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox
Water Pledge Water
  • Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise
  • Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr
  • Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert
  • Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
  • Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott
  • Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja

North Side

Outside the Gym and TV Mauville
Outside the Gym and TV Mauville

On the northern side of Mauville City, the Gym is situated to the left, while TV Mauville is on the right.

Mauville City – 2F (Tour)

Elevator to the second floor
Elevator to the second floor

Access to Mauville Hills, the apartment complex on the 2nd floor, is restricted until you defeat/capture Kyogre or Groudon.

The only section of the second floor you can currently access is through the stairwell on each corner of the first floor.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Shock Drive,
Burn Drive,
Douse Drive,
Chill Drive
Gift from a Street Thug if you show him a Genesect, in the northeast stairwell

Mauville City – 3F (Tour)

Mauville City’s top floor
Mauville City’s top floor

Climb all the way up to Mauville City’s third floor and rooftop by using the stairwells on the first floor to enjoy the view and obtain various items scattered throughout.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Metronome Buy from a man in a suit for 1,000, north side of the third floor
Poké Toy Gift from a Delinquent, northeast side of the third floor
Nugget Gift from a man who suddenly appears on the paved path, southwest side of the third floor
Luxury Ball (Hidden) Under a tower, west side of the third floor
Max Repel (Hidden) Under a tower, east side of the third floor

Mauville City Gym

Wally Battle

Encountering Wally and his uncle
Encountering Wally and his uncle

As you follow Wally and his uncle in front of the Gym, a short cutscene will play. Soon, Wally will work up the courage to challenge you to a battle.

Challenged by Wally
Challenged by Wally

This battle against Wally will be quite easy, as he only has the Ralts you helped him catch, and it’s at Lv. 17.

Pokémon Ralts Lv.17
Type Psychic / Fairy
Ability Synchronize
Held Item None
  • Teleport
  • Disarming Voice
  • Lucky Chant
  • Magical Leaf

After defeating Wally, he’ll head to Verdanturf Town, and his uncle will reward you with HM06 Rock Smash.

This HM will allow you to destroy breakable rocks, such as the ones on Route 111, but only after obtaining the Badge from the Mauville Gym.

Obtaining HM06
Obtaining HM06

After Wally’s uncle leaves, the Mauville Gym is now accessible. Now you can challenge Wattson and emerge victorious to obtain the Dynamo Badge and TM72 Volt Switch.

Related: If you need help with the gym puzzle or want to see Wattson’s team composition then visit our full Wattson gym page here.
Obtaining the Dynamo Badge and TM72
Obtaining the Dynamo Badge and TM72

Poké Mart Stock Update

Inside Mauville’s Poké Mart
Inside Mauville’s Poké Mart

Upon earning your third Gym Badge, all Poké Marts in Hoenn will update their inventory. The following items are now available:

Lower Clerk
Item Price
Ultra Ball 1200
Full Heal 600
Max Repel 700

And in Mauville’s Poké Mart, the second clerk offers the following TMs for sale:

Upper Clerk
TM Price
TM09 Venoshock 10,000
TM40 Aerial Ace 10,000
TM42 Facade 10,000
TM47 Low Sweep 10,000
TM57 Charge Beam 10,000
TM78 Bulldoze 10,000
TM82 Dragon Tail 10,000
TM98 Power-Up Punch 10,000

North Exit to Route 111

Exit to Route 111
Exit to Route 111

After you win your gym badge you can approach the north exit of the city.

There you’ll encounter Team Aqua/Magma Grunts discussing their plans to go to Mt. Chimney.

Once they leave, exit the city and make your way to Route 111.

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