Quick Guide

  1. Head north from Route 109 to Slateport City.
  2. Visit Stern’s Shipyard and talk to Dock.
  3. At the Oceanic Museum, talk to Captain Stern and defeat both Team Aqua/Magma Grunts.
  4. Try to exit Slateport City to meet Lisia in front of Slateport’s Contest Hall.
  5. After meeting Lisia, leave Slateport City by heading north to reach Route 110.
  6. Battle your rival on Route 110.
  7. Continue north until you reach Mauville City’s entrance.

Route 109

Route 109
Route 109

Upon landing, explore Route 109 by heading north from the docks. While part of the route is on the sea, the majority is a beach area with trainers to battle and hidden items to discover.

One notable location on Route 109 is the Seashore House, found by going northwest from the docks.

Wild Pokémon

Route 109 (Fishing – Old Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool
Encounter Chance 65% 35%
Levels Lv. 10-15 Lv. 5

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Soft Sand Gift from a Tuber Girl, east side of the beach
PP Up Northwest corner of the route
Great Ball (Hidden) Outside Seashore House
Revive (Hidden) Under a red umbrella, southwest side of the beach
Ether (Hidden) On the shoreline, southeast of the Tubers
Heart Scale (Hidden) Under a blue umbrella, southeast of Seashore House
Heart Scale (Hidden) Above the old man with a Zigzagoon, northeast side of the beach

Seashore House

Outside Seashore House
Outside Seashore House

Inside this house you’ll find the owner behind the counter. He will present a challenge:

Defeat all five trainers at Seashore House to receive a reward—half a dozen Soda Pops.

After the challenge, the owner will begin to sell Soda Pops for 300 Pokedollars each. These are a cost-effective alternative to Super Potions.

Obtaining 6 Soda Pops
Obtaining 6 Soda Pops

North Exit to Slateport City

Exit to Slateport City
Exit to Slateport City

When you’re finished exploring, head north up the stairs to enter Slateport City.

Slateport City

Slateport City
Slateport City

Slateport is a bustling port city, and it has many landmarks you might want to check out.

But if you want to proceed with the main story, head straight to Stern’s Shipyard to find Captain Stern.

Wild Pokemon

Slateport City (Fishing – Old Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool
Encounter Chance 65% 35%
Levels Lv. 10-15 Lv. 5

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Alakazite Southwest corner of Slateport Market
TM41 Torment Gift from a Sailor, 2nd floor of the Contest Hall
Soothe Bell Gift from a woman if you show her a friendly Pokémon, inside the Pokémon Fan Club
Effort Ribbon Gift from a Pokémon Breeder if your Pokémon’s EVs are maxed out, in Slateport Market
Red Scarf /
Blue Scarf /
Pink Scarf /
Green Scarf /
Yellow Scarf
Gift from the club chairman if you show him a Pokémon with a high enough contest condition stat, inside the Pokémon Fan Club

Poké Mart Stock Update

Inside Slateport’s Poké Mart
Inside Slateport’s Poké Mart

After earning the 2nd Gym Badge, all Poké Marts in Hoenn will update their inventory.

These new items & their prices are listed below:

Lower Clerk
Item Price
Hyper Potion 1200
Revive 1500
Super Repel 500

And in Slateport’s Poké Mart, the second clerk offers the following Battle Items:

Upper Clerk
Item Price
X Speed 350
X Attack 500
X Defense 550
Guard Spec. 700
Dire Hit 650
X Accuracy 950
X Sp. Atk 350
X Sp. Def 350

Slateport Market

Slateport Market
Slateport Market

On the southwest side of the city is the Slateport Market, an outdoor bazaar featuring items that can’t be found anywhere else.

Right now you can access these shops:

  • TM Shop
  • Incense Shop
  • The Energy Guru

Additionally, there are two more shops in the bottom row of Slateport Market: The Doll Shop and The Secret Power Club Shop. However, they will only sell items to you once you obtain TM94 Secret Power.

TM Shop

Traveling TM Shop
Traveling TM Shop

The top right stall in Slateport Market sells various TMs:

TM Price
TM01 Hone Claws 5,000
TM73 Thunder Wave 5,000
TM76 Struggle Bug 5,000
TM100 Confide 5,000

Incense Shop

Incense Shop in Slateport Market
Incense Shop in Slateport Market

The middle-right stall sells various incenses, which can be useful in battles and for breeding certain Pokémon:

Item Price
Sea Incense 9,600
Lax Incense 9,600
Rose Incense 9,600
Pure Incense 9,600
Rock Incense 9,600
Odd Incense 9,600
Luck Incense 9,600
Full Incense 9,600
Wave Incense 9,600
Tip: Consider buying a Luck Incense at this point. It’s an item that increases the money you earn from battles, making money farming much easier.

Energy Guru

Talking to the Energy Guru
Talking to the Energy Guru

In the middle-left stall, the Energy Guru sells Vitamins for 9,800 Pokédollars each. On Mondays, you can take advantage of a sale that offers a 50% discount on all items:

Vitamin Price (Tues-Sun) Price (Mon Sale)
HP Up 9,800 4,900
Protein 9,800 4,900
Iron 9,800 4,900
Calcium 9,800 4,900
Zinc 9,800 4,900
Carbos 9,800 4,900

Name Rater

Outside the Name Rater’s House
Outside the Name Rater’s House

If you want to change your Pokémon’s nickname, visit the Name Rater in a house northwest of Slateport City’s Pokémon Center. He can only change names for Pokémon that you own, which means traded Pokémon can’t be nicknamed.

Delivering the Devon Parts

Outside Stern’s Shipyard
Outside Stern’s Shipyard

To continue the main story, you’ll need to deliver the Devon Parts to Captain Stern.

So head southeast from the city’s Pokémon Center to find Stern’s Shipyard.

Stern’s Shipyard

Talking to Dock
Talking to Dock

Upon entering Stern’s Shipyard, a cutscene will play. A man named Dock will inform you that Captain Stern is currently at the Oceanic Museum.

Oceanic Museum – Team Aqua/Magma Battle

Entering the Oceanic Museum
Entering the Oceanic Museum

Head east of the city’s Pokémon Center and pay the entrance fee to access the Oceanic Museum.

Inside, you’ll discover that Team Aqua/Magma Grunts have taken over the place, but none of them will challenge you to a battle.

Tip: Talk to Grunt stationed on the southeast side of the first floor to obtain TM46 Thief. Afterward that, proceed to the 2nd floor to find Captain Stern.
Obtaining TM46
Obtaining TM46

On the second floor, make your way towards the southeast side and talk to Captain Stern. As you attempt to give him the Devon Parts, two Team Aqua/Magma Grunts will challenge you to a battle.

After defeating them, the leader of Team Magma/Aqua introduces himself and then leaves with his Grunts.

Protecting Captain Stern from the Grunts
Protecting Captain Stern from the Grunts

Pokémon Contest Spectacular

Meeting Lisia
Meeting Lisia

Leave the museum and try to exit Slateport City through its north exit to Route 110.

As you attempt to leave, you’ll overhear Ace Trainers talking about Lisia doing a photoshoot.

In a cutscene, you’ll go to the Contest Hall and be scouted for Pokémon contests by Lisia herself. She’ll then give you two Key Items: the Contest Pass and the Pokéblock Kit.

Contest Hall

Inside the Contest Hall
Inside the Contest Hall

The items Lisia gave you will allow you to participate in Pokémon Contests all over Hoenn.

Contests are divided into five types:

  • Coolness
  • Beauty
  • Cuteness
  • Cleverness
  • Toughness

Each of these types also have four categories. Win contests by using the right move combinations and maximizing contest stats with Pokéblocks.

Special Gift Pikachu

Obtaining Cosplay Pikachu
Obtaining Cosplay Pikachu

After your first Pokémon Contest, you’ll be gifted with a special Cosplay Pikachu from a Pokémon Breeder NPC. This Pikachu can change costumes, each with a unique signature move for each contest category.

Cosplay Pikachu Contest Category Signature Move
Pikachu Rock Star
Coolness Meteor Mash
Pikachu Belle
Beauty Icicle Crash
Pikachu Pop Star
Cuteness Draining Kiss
Pikachu, Ph.D.
Cleverness Electric Terrain
Pikachu Libre
Toughness Flying Press

To change your Pikachu’s costume, go to the green room on the right side of the Contest Hall and talk to the Pokémon Breeder again.

Changing Pikachu’s costume
Changing Pikachu’s costume

North Exit to Route 110

Exit to Route 110
Exit to Route 110

Whether or not you participate in a contest, continue to Route 110 by leaving Slateport City through its north exit.

Route 110

Route 110
Route 110

Because Route 110 directly connects Slateport City to Mauville City, proceed north along this route to reach the next city’s entrance. This lengthy route features the Trick House, Seaside Cycling Road, and New Mauville.

Note: To access the Cycling Road, you’ll need a Bike, which you’ll obtain soon. You can return later when you have it.

Wild Pokémon

Route 110 (Tall Grass)
Species Electrike Plusle Minun Oddish Zigzagoon Wingull Gulpin Voltorb
Encounter Chance 40% 16% (AS) 16% (OR) 10% 10% 10% 10% 4%
Levels Lv. 10-13 Lv. 11-13 Lv. 11-13 Lv. 13 Lv. 13 Lv. 13 Lv. 13 Lv. 13
Route 110 (Fishing – Old Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool
Encounter Chance 65% 35%
Levels Lv. 10-15 Lv. 5

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Dire Hit Below a Trainer Tips sign, near a Youngster
Leppa Berry x6 On a Berry Tree, north side of the route
Full Heal (Hidden) Above a Trainer Tips sign, near a Youngster
Great Ball (Hidden) In an empty patch of grass, north of where your Rival battled you
Revive (Hidden) In an empty patch of grass, right side of a Collector
Poké Ball (Hidden) In an empty patch of grass, north of a Psychic
Overhearing Team Aqua’s plans
Overhearing Team Aqua’s plans

Heading north, you’ll soon come across Team Aqua/Magma grunts plotting their next move.

They won’t battle you this time, but they mention plans to pass through Mauville City on their way to Mt. Chimney before departing.

Trick House

Outside the Trick House
Outside the Trick House

After battling a Poké Fan, you’ll discover the Trick House—a peculiar house with ever-changing puzzles designed to test your skills as a trainer.

For now, you can only challenge the 1st puzzle. But you can return later to unlock more puzzles.

Rival Battle #2

Encountering Brendan
Encountering Brendan

You’ll soon encounter your Rival, who challenges you to a battle with a team of three Pokémon, which varies depending on your starter.

Make sure your team has a diverse set of moves to handle your Rival’s new and improved team.

If you picked Treecko:

Your Rival
Pokémon Wailmer Lv.18 Shroomish Lv.18 Combusken Lv.20
Type Water Grass Fire / Fighting
Ability Water Veil Effect Spore Blaze
Held Item None None None
  • Water Gun
  • Rollout
  • Whirlpool
  • Astonish
  • Stun Spore
  • Leech Seed
  • Mega Drain
  • Headbutt
  • Sand Attack
  • Peck
  • Double Kick
  • Flame Charge
If you picked Torchic:

Your Rival
Pokémon Shroomish Lv.18 Slugma Lv.18 Marshtomp Lv.20
Type Grass Fire Water / Ground
Ability Effect Spore Magma Armor Torrent
Held Item None None None
  • Stun Spore
  • Leech Seed
  • Mega Drain
  • Headbutt
  • Ember
  • Rock Throw
  • Harden
  • Incinerate
  • Mud-Slap
  • Foresight
  • Mud Bomb
  • Bide
If you picked Mudkip:

Your Rival
Pokémon Slugma Lv.18 Wailmer Lv.18 Grovyle Lv.20
Type Fire Water Grass
Ability Magma Armor Water Veil Overgrow
Held Item None None None
  • Ember
  • Rock Throw
  • Harden
  • Incinerate
  • Water Gun
  • Rollout
  • Whirlpool
  • Astonish
  • Quick Attack
  • Mega Drain
  • Fury Cutter
  • Pursuit
Obtaining the Dowsing Machine
Obtaining the Dowsing Machine

After the battle, your rival heals your team and gives you the Dowsing Machine. This is a key item allowing you to locate and obtain hidden items.

North Exit to Mauville City

Exit to Mauville City
Exit to Mauville City

Proceed north until you reach the entrance to Mauville City, then go through the doors to reach the city’s interior.

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