Quick Guide

  1. Challenge Rustboro City’s Gym Leader Roxanne to obtain the 1st Gym Badge.
  2. Head east to Route 116 and proceed to Rusturf Tunnel. Inside, defeat the Team Aqua/Magma Grunt.
  3. Head back to Rustboro City and talk to the Devon Researcher.
  4. Return to Route 104’s south side. Ask Mr. Briney to take you to Dewford Town.

Rustboro City

Talking to Brendan
Talking to Brendan

Upon reaching Rustboro City, you’ll reunite with your rival. After a brief conversation, he suggests heading to the city’s Gym to challenge it. You can either head straight to the Gym or take some time to explore the city, to obtain useful items, including HM01 Cut.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
HM01 Cut Gift from an NPC called the Cutter, inside the house west of the Pokémon Center
TM54 False Swipe Gift from a businessman, inside the Poké Mart
Quick Claw Gift from a teacher, inside the Trainer’s School east of the Pokémon Center
Float Stone Gift from an Ace Trainer, on the 2nd floor of the building north of the Pokémon Center
Premier Ball Gift from a child, on the 2nd floor of the building north of the Pokémon Center
X Defense Southeast corner of the city, accessible via an opening behind a fence on Route 104’s north side

In-Game Trade in Rustboro City (Optional)

Before challenging the Gym Leader, consider visiting the house beside the Gym.

You can trade a Slakoth for a Makuhita here, which is a Fighting-type that can make defeating Roxanne’s Rock-types easier.

Trade What You Get What You Give
Pokémon Makuhita Lv.9
Slakoth (any Lv.)
Ability Guts Any
Held Item X-Attack Any
  • Tackle
  • Focus Energy
  • Sand Attack
  • Arm Thrust
Location Rustboro City – Boy inside house East of Rustboro Gym

Can be found as a wild Pokémon in Petalburg Woods (5%)

Rustboro City Gym

Rustboro City Gym
Rustboro City Gym

When you’re ready, head to the northeast side of the city to find the city’s Gym. Roxanne, the Rustboro Gym Leader, specializes in Rock-type.

Related: For details on the Rustboro Gym and for Roxanne’s team composition, check our dedicated gym guide here.

After you defeat Roxanne you’ll receive the Stone Badge and TM39 Rock Tomb.

Obtaining the Stone Badge and TM39
Obtaining the Stone Badge and TM39

East Exit to Route 116

Talking to the Devon Researcher
Talking to the Devon Researcher

Immediately after leaving the Gym, the Devon Researcher will once again ask for your help.

This time, your task is to recover the stolen Devon Parts from a Team Aqua/Magma Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel. To reach Rusturf Tunnel, use Rustboro City’s east exit that leads to Route 116.

Exit to Route 116
Exit to Route 116

Route 116

Route 116
Route 116

On Route 116, go east through the tall grass, battling trainers along the way. Soon enough, you’ll find the Tunnelers’ Rest House on the east side of the route.

If you go west of the Tunnelers’ Rest House, you’ll come across an optional maze-like area that requires HM01 Cut to access. Some items and trainers can only be found here.

Heading east of the Tunnelers’ Rest House leads you to the entrance of Rusturf Tunnel.

Wild Pokémon & Currently Obtainable Items

Route 116 (Tall Grass)
Species Zigzagoon Whismur Nincada Taillow Skitty
Encounter Chance 30% 30% 20% 15% 5%
Levels Lv. 6-7 Lv. 5-7 Lv. 6-8 Lv. 6-8 Lv. 8
Item Method Exact Location
Potion North of a Youngster, northwest side of the route
Repel South of a Youngster, southwest side of the route
X Sp. Atk On a cliffside, east of Rusturf Tunnel’s entrance
Ether On a ledge, far west side of the Rest House

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Chesto Berry ×6 On a Berry Tree, far west side of the Rest House

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Super Potion (Hidden) Among the trees, west of the Rest House

(Requires HM01 Cut)

East Exit to Rusturf Tunnel

Exit to Rusturf Tunnel
Exit to Rusturf Tunnel

Outside the cave, you’ll meet Mr. Briney, who says a Team Aqua/Magma Grunt took his Wingull, Peeko.

Help him by entering Rusturf Tunnel through its entrance nearby.

Rusturf Tunnel

Rusturf Tunnel
Rusturf Tunnel

Upon entering the cave, go up the nearby staircase and then turn right.

Wild Pokémon & Currently Obtainable Items

Rusturf Tunnel (Cave)
Species Whismur
Encounter Chance 100%
Levels Lv. 7-10
Item Method Exact Location
Poké Ball Northwest corner of the cave
Dire Hit (Hidden) On a large rock, north of the

If you’ve finished exploring the west side, head east toward the pond. Then cross the bridge north to encounter more trainers, including the first Double Battle in the game.

Team Aqua/Magma Battle

Obtaining the Devon Parts
Obtaining the Devon Parts

As you proceed east through the narrow hallway, you’ll find the Team Aqua/Magma Grunt who took the Devon Parts and Mr. Briney’s Peeko. Defeat the grunt, who now has a Lv. 13 Poochyena.

After you defeat him, the Grunt returns what he stole and promptly exits the cave. Mr. Briney will also arrive to take Peeko back.

After this, make your way back to Rustboro City.

Returning to Rustboro City

Returning the Devon Parts
Returning the Devon Parts

Once you’re back in Rustboro City, deliver the Devon Parts to the Devon Researcher outside the Devon Corporation building.

Your reward for this task is a Great Ball, and he will then escort you inside to meet the president of the Devon Corporation.

Mr. Stone, the president, will upgrade your PokéNav Plus with the BuzzNav, unlocking StreetPass features.

He’ll also request you to deliver a letter to Steven in Dewford Town.

Talking to Mr. Stone
Talking to Mr. Stone

Poké Mart Stock Update

Inside the Poké Mart
Inside the Poké Mart

Before departing Rustboro City for Route 104, consider stopping by the PokéMart. Upon earning your first Gym Badge, all Poké Marts in Hoenn will stock new items.

In addition to their regular inventory, here’s a list of the new items available, along with their prices:

Lower Clerk
Item Price
Great Ball 600
Super Potion 700
Paralyze Heal 200
Awakening 250
Burn Heal 250
Ice Heal 250
Repel 350

And in Rustboro’s Poké Mart a second clerk offers other types of Poké Balls for sale.

Tip: To unlock the second clerk, you’ll need to talk to the Devon researcher outside Rusturf Tunnel. He will only appear there sometime after delivering the Devon Parts.
Upper Clerk
Item Price
Repeat Ball 1,000
Timer Ball 1,000
Net Ball 1,000

Going to Mr. Briney’s Cottage

Outside Mr. Briney’s Cottage
Outside Mr. Briney’s Cottage

Leave Rustboro City and travel south past Route 104’s north side and Petalburg Woods.

Once you’re back on Route 104’s south side, enter Mr. Briney’s Cottage — a house by the coast that’s hard to miss.

Sailing to Dewford Town

Talking to Mr. Briney
Talking to Mr. Briney

Talk to Mr. Briney inside his cottage and ask him to take you to Dewford Town.

Upon doing so, you’ll promptly set sail to Dewford Town aboard his ship.

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