Quick Guide

  1. Locate the diving spot on Route 128 that leads to Seafloor Cavern.
  2. Navigate to the deepest room within Seafloor Cavern.
  3. Confront and defeat Aqua Leader Archie or Magma Leader Maxie.

Route 128

Route 128
Route 128

Route 128 is a water route that connects to Route 129 in the south and Ever Grande City to the east.

Like other water routes, you’ll encounter underwater trenches accessible with HM07 Dive. This route also features underwater grass patches, containing Pokémon that are exclusively found underwater.

Wild Pokémon

Route 128 (Surfing)
Species Tentacool Pelipper Tentacruel
Encounter Chance 50% 35% 15%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 25-35 Lv. 30
Route 128 (Fishing – Super Rod)
Species Luvdisc Wailmer Corsola
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 35 Lv. 30 Lv. 40
Route 128 (Underwater)
Species Chinchou Clamperl Lanturn Corsola Relicanth
Encounter Chance 50% 30% 15% 4% 1%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 30 Lv. 30 Lv. 30 Lv. 35

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Heart Scale (Hidden) Southern side of the ring-shaped island
Heart Scale (Hidden) Near a Fisherman, on the island with the route sign
Heart Scale (Hidden) On a small island, east of the ring-shaped island
Underwater (Requires HM07 Dive)
Stone Plate (Hidden) Northwest corner of Seafloor Cavern’s entrance
Draco Plate (Hidden) West side of Seafloor Cavern’s entrance
Pixie Plate (Hidden) Southeast side of Seafloor Cavern’s entrance
Adamant Orb (Hidden) Accessed by diving in the middle of the ring-shaped island
Protein (Hidden) Near Free Diver Mayu, under an isolated diving spot east of the main area
Pearl (Hidden) Southeast corner, under an isolated diving spot east of the main area

Diving Spot That Leads to Seafloor Cavern

Diving spot on Route 128
Diving spot on Route 128

In the main section of the route, you’ll come across a ring-shaped island that marks where Seafloor Cavern is located.

Dive near its southern side and you’ll spot the cavern entrance right in front of you underneath the water.

Entrance to Seafloor Cavern
Entrance to Seafloor Cavern

Seafloor Cavern

Seafloor Cavern
Seafloor Cavern

The Seafloor Cavern is a large underwater cave where the super-ancient Legendary Pokémon is sealed in deep slumber.

It consists of various interconnected maze-like rooms, featuring water current puzzles and boulder puzzles too. So besides HM03 Surf and HM07 Dive, make sure you have a Pokémon that knows HM04 Strength to solve boulder puzzles inside Seafloor Cavern.

When you reach the final room in this area, a cutscene will unfold featuring Kyogre or Groudon, alongside the leaders of Team Aqua and Team Magma.

Wild Pokémon

Seafloor Cavern (Cave)
Species Golbat
Encounter Chance 100%
Levels Lv. 33-36
Seafloor Cavern (Surfing)
Species Tentacruel Golbat
Encounter Chance 65% 35%
Levels Lv. 25-30 Lv. 25-35
Seafloor Cavern (Fishing – Super Rod)
Species Wailmer
Encounter Chance 100%
Levels Lv. 30-40

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
TM55 Scald On the middle island, inside the second water current puzzle room

(Requires HM04 Strength)
TM26 Earthquake Near the staircase, southwest corner of the second-to-the-last room.

(Requires HM04 Strength)
Heart Scale (Hidden) Southeast corner of the cavern’s entrance room
Escape Rope (Hidden) Southeast corner of the room with four ledges

(Requires HM04 Strength)

Step 1: After entering the cavern, swim back up to the surface using HM07 Dive.

Using Dive to resurface
Using Dive to resurface

Step 2: Head north in the entrance room, surfing past the submarine until you’re back on land again.

Surfing inside Seafloor Cavern
Surfing inside Seafloor Cavern

Step 3: Enter the next room through the door to the north.

Cavern entrance to the first room
Cavern entrance to the first room

Step 4: Then in the next room, go north and make a right turn near a breakable rock.

Walking inside Seafloor Cavern
Walking inside Seafloor Cavern

Step 5: Push the nearby boulder into the hole on its right.

Pushing the boulder with HM04 Strength
Pushing the boulder with HM04 Strength

Step 6: Rather than going up the stairs, turn left and enter through the doorway towards the northwestern corner of the room.

The next entrance is up ahead
The next entrance is up ahead

Step 7: In the first boulder puzzle room, turn left and approach the nearby boulder.

Inside the first boulder puzzle room
Inside the first boulder puzzle room

Step 8: When you reach that boulder, push it into the hole on its left. Once you do, start heading north up the left-hand corridor.

Using Strength to pass through
Using Strength to pass through

Step 9: Proceed to the next door in the northwest corner of the room.

Northwest side of the room
Northwest side of the room

Step 10: This will take you into an area with water currents. Use HM03 Surf on the body of water.

Seafloor Cavern’s water current puzzle
Seafloor Cavern’s water current puzzle

Step 11: Ride the water current going north to get to the northeast corner of the room. The exact water current is pictured below.

The first water current to Surf on
The first water current to Surf on

Step 12: Once this water current drops you off, ride the water current immediately to your left.

The next water current to Surf on
The next water current to Surf on

Step 13: This water current should bring you over to the top-right corner of the room. Enter the next room through the door in the northeast corner.

Northeast side of the room
Northeast side of the room

Step 14: In this next room, use Strength to move the boulder to the right.

The next boulder to use Strength on
The next boulder to use Strength on

Step 15: Keep going north until you find the next door, going around the boulders and rocks in this room.

Heading north
Heading north

Step 16: In this next boulder puzzle, you’ll find the most boulders in any room. To begin, use Strength to push the boulder on the right into the nearby hole.

Inside the second boulder puzzle room
Inside the second boulder puzzle room

Step 17: In the next row, push the boulder located on the right over to the left (pictured below).

Pushing the next boulder to the left
Pushing the next boulder to the left

Step 18: Now walk up to the northern side of the right boulder in the third row. Then push it down once. This will open a pathway up towards the final row of boulders.

Pushing down the next boulder
Pushing down the next boulder

Step 19: Push the top-right boulder into the hole directly above. Then you can continue forward.

Pushing the last boulder into the hole
Pushing the last boulder into the hole

Step 20: If you did it correctly, you should have access to the door on the northern side of this room.

If you did any of the steps incorrectly then you can re-enter the room to reset the boulders’ positions.

Leaving the boulder puzzle room
Leaving the boulder puzzle room

Step 21: You should now be in the room before the deepest part of Seafloor Cavern. So follow the path heading east.

Heading east
Heading east

Step 22: At the top-right corner turn south then follow the narrow path ahead.

Heading south
Heading south

Step 23: Turn left at the bottom-right corner and descend the stairs located at the center of the room.

Heading down the stairs
Heading down the stairs

Step 24: After going down the stairs, you’ll find yourself in Seafloor Cavern’s deepest room. Approach Archie and Maxie to start the cutscene.

Seafloor Cavern’s deepest room
Seafloor Cavern’s deepest room

Team Aqua/Magma Leader Battle

Final battle with Aqua Leader Archie
Final battle with Aqua Leader Archie

During the cutscene, Aqua Leader Archie or Magma Leader Maxie will challenge you to one final battle.

This time, his team of four Pokémon will include his Ace Pokémon, which is now capable of Mega Evolution.

If you’re playing Alpha Sapphire

Aqua Leader Archie
Pokémon Mightyena Lv.41 Muk Lv.41 Golbat Lv.41 Mega Sharpedo Lv.43
Type Dark Poison Poison / Flying Water / Dark
Ability Quick Feet Stench Inner Focus Rough Skin
Held Item None None None Sharpedonite
  • Scary Face
  • Embargo
  • Taunt
  • Take Down
  • Sludge Wave
  • Screech
  • Venom Drench
  • Gunk Shot
  • Poison Fang
  • Mean Look
  • Acrobatics
  • Haze
  • Scary Face
  • Slash
  • Poison Fang
  • Crunch

If you’re playing Omega Ruby

Magma Leader Maxie
Pokémon Mightyena Lv.41 Weezing Lv.41 Golbat Lv.41 Mega Camerupt Lv.43
Type Dark Poison Poison / Flying Fire / Ground
Ability Quick Feet Levitate Inner Focus Magma Armor
Held Item None None None Cameruptite
  • Scary Face
  • Embargo
  • Taunt
  • Take Down
  • Haze
  • Double Hit
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Explosion
  • Poison Fang
  • Mean Look
  • Acrobatics
  • Haze
  • Curse
  • Take Down
  • Rock Slide
  • Yawn
Kyogre summons a rainstorm
Kyogre summons a rainstorm

After You Win

After winning the fight, another lengthy cutscene plays out.

Once Kyogre/Groudon is reawakened it escapes the cave and unleashes heavy rain/harsh sunlight across Hoenn.

After you return to the surface, Steven arrives and urges you to head to the Cave of Origin. He departs shortly afterwards, concluding the cutscene.

Route 127’s West Exit to Route 126

Returning to Route 127
Returning to Route 127

Your next destination is Sootopolis City, where the Cave of Origin is located.

So exit Route 128 and head north back to Route 127.

Continue surfing northwest on Route 127 until you reach its west exit to Route 126. From there, you’ll soon be able to access Sootopolis City’s entrance.

Exit to Route 126
Exit to Route 126
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