Quick Guide

  1. Make your way to Mt. Pyre, accessible via Route 122.
  2. Reach the summit of Mt. Pyre and take on all Team Aqua/Magma Grunts and their Admin.
  3. After obtaining the Red/Blue Orb, fly back to Slateport City.
  4. Head to Slateport Harbor and defeat both Team Aqua/Magma Grunts there.
  5. Agree to help out Captain Stern to sail to Lilycove City.
  6. As you approach the Lilycove Department Store, prepare for a battle with your Rival.

Route 121

Route 121
Route 121

Route 121 spans horizontally, offering access to three new locations — the Safari Zone to the north, Route 122 to the south, and Lilycove City to the east.

As you venture eastward, you’ll come across a few Team Aqua/Magma Grunts who mention they’re going to Mt. Pyre.

Follow them there by heading south to the pier which leads to Route 122.

Wild Pokémon

Route 121 (Tall Grass and Long Grass)
Species Gloom Linoone Shuppet Pelipper Kecleon
Encounter Chance 30% 30% 30% 5% 5%
Levels Lv. 28-30 Lv. 28-30 Lv. 27-29 Lv. 30 Lv. 30

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
TM85 Dream Eater Gift from a Street Thug, inside the Safari Zone building
Persim Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, northwest side of the route
Aspear Berry x3 On a Berry Tree, northwest side of the route
Rawst Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, northwest side of the route
Zinc End of a path located west of the pier

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Max Repel Southeast of the Safari Zone
Carbos Inside the fenced area near a Gentleman, east side of the route
Shiny Stone North of a Pokéfan, northeast side of the route

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Nanab Berry x6 On a Berry Tree, southeast side of the route
HP Up (Hidden) Outside the lower fence, southwest side of the route
Nugget (Hidden) North of a Pokéfan, northeast side of the route

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Full Heal (Hidden) East of a Pokéfan, northeast side of the route
Max Revive (Hidden) South of Berry Trees, southeast side of the route

The Safari Zone

Outside the Safari Zone
Outside the Safari Zone

To the right of where the Grunts were, about midway through Route 212, you’ll stumble upon the Safari Zone.

It’s a Pokémon preserve where you can catch a wide variety of Pokémon.

Unlike previous Safari Zones in older generations, you can enter this Safari Zone for free and catch Pokémon here for as long as you like.

Pokémon Center Lady

Pokémon Center employee on the pier
Pokémon Center employee on the pier

On the left side of the pier, you’ll find a wandering Pokémon Center employee. If you talk to her she’ll fully heal your team.

South Exit to Route 122

Exit to Route 122
Exit to Route 122

Continue south along the pier and you’ll soon reach Route 122.

Route 122

Route 122
Route 122

Route 122 is a brief water route where Mt. Pyre is located. It also features a southeast exit which leads to Route 123.

To proceed, use HM03 Surf and make your way to the southeast side of the route.

Wild Pokémon

Route 122 (Surfing)
Species Tentacool Wingull Pelipper
Encounter Chance 65% 30% 5%
Levels Lv. 20-25 Lv. 25 Lv. 25-30
Route 122 (Fishing – Good Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool Wailmer
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 25 Lv. 25

South Exit to Mt. Pyre (Interior)

Exit to Mt. Pyre (Interior)
Exit to Mt. Pyre (Interior)

Soon enough, you’ll spot the entrance to Mt. Pyre’s interior that’s located at the mountain’s base.

Mt. Pyre (Interior)

Inside Mt. Pyre
Inside Mt. Pyre

Mt. Pyre is a Pokémon memorial site consisting of three sections:

  1. Interior – The multi-level mausoleum you’re currently inside of.
  2. Exterior – A winding trail leading to the summit, located outside the mountain.
  3. Summit – Ruins of ancient buildings where the Red Orb and Blue Orb can be found.

Continue by going up to the mausoleum’s third floor and find the exit to the exterior.

Wild Pokémon

Mt. Pyre – Interior
Species Shuppet Duskull
Encounter Chance 70% 30%
Levels Lv. 28-31 Lv. 28-31

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Cleanse Tag 1F, Gift from an Expert on the southwestern side
Ultra Ball 1F, southwest corner
Super Repel 2F, east of the stairs from the first floor
Sea Incense 3F, southeast corner
Lax Incense 3F, south of a Hex Maniac
TM30 Shadow Ball 4F, middle of the shrine
Medichamite 4F, northeast corner

Exit 3F to Mt. Pyre (Exterior)

Exit on the 3F of Mt. Pyre
Exit on the 3F of Mt. Pyre

On the third floor, go down the narrow hallway to the south to reach Mt. Pyre’s Exterior section.

Mt. Pyre (Exterior)

Mt. Pyre’s exterior
Mt. Pyre’s exterior

Once you’re outside, follow the long and winding path.

Climb up a series of stairs and continue along this path to reach the summit of Mt. Pyre.

Wild Pokémon

Mt. Pyre – Exterior (Tall Grass)
Species Meditite Shuppet Vulpix Wingull
Encounter Chance 40% 40% 15% 5%
Levels Lv. 28-31 Lv. 28-31 Lv. 29-31 Lv. 30

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
TM61 Will-O-Wisp On a cliffside, south of the summit entrance
Max Potion North end of the path, east of the summit entrance
Max Ether (Hidden) On a gravestone, southwest of the summit entrance
Ultra Ball (Hidden) On a gravestone, west of the summit entrance

Mt. Pyre (Summit)

Path to Mt. Pyre’s summit
Path to Mt. Pyre’s summit

You’ll see some Team Aqua/Magma Grunts stationed nearby as you climb to the top of Mt. Pyre.

Defeat them in battle to ascend the stairs and confront Team Aqua/Magma’s Leader.

Wild Pokémon

Mt. Pyre – Summit (Tall Grass)
Species Meditite Shuppet Vulpix Chimecho
Encounter Chance 40% 40% 15% 5%
Levels Lv. 28-31 Lv. 28-31 Lv. 29-31 Lv. 30

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Banettite Near the ruins, southeast side of the area
Zinc (Hidden) On the southwest gravestone, west side of the area
Carbos (Hidden) Middle of the ruins, northwest side of the area
Rare Candy (Hidden) On the east gravestone, northeast side of the area
Dire Hit (Hidden) Middle of the ruins, northeast side of the area

Team Aqua/Magma Admin Battle

Battling Aqua Admin Matt
Battling Aqua Admin Matt

Upon reaching the peak, a cutscene unfolds where Team Aqua/Magma’s leader steals the Red/Blue Orb and swiftly leaves. But he’ll leave one of his Admins behind to prevent you from going after him.

This time, you’ll have to battle Aqua Admin Matt or Magma Admin Courtney.

If you’re playing Alpha Sapphire:

Team Aqua Admin Matt
Pokémon Carvanha Lv.38
Type Water / Dark
Ability Rough Skin
Held Item None

If you’re playing Omega Ruby:

Team Magma Admin Courtney
Pokémon Camerupt Lv.38
Type Fire / Ground
Ability Solid Rock
Held Item None

Obtaining the Red/Blue Orb

Obtaining the Red Orb
Obtaining the Red Orb

After Team Aqua/Magma departs for Slateport City, the elders in Mt. Pyre will entrust you with the Red Orb or Blue Orb (depending which version you’re playing).

Flying Back to Slateport City

Outside Slateport Harbor
Outside Slateport Harbor

After the cutscene concludes, use Fly to return to Slateport City.

From the city’s Pokémon Center, head northeast towards Slateport Harbor to start another cutscene.

Team Aqua/Magma Grunt Battle

Inside Slateport Harbor
Inside Slateport Harbor

You’ll encounter Team Aqua/Magma once again when you enter Slateport Harbor with Captain Stern.

Following a brief cutscene where their Leader takes off and steals a submarine to their hideout, you’ll need to battle two Grunts.

After defeating both of them, Captain Stern will ask for your help in pursuing Team Aqua/Magma.

If you say “Yes”, he’ll take you to Lilycove City. You can say “No” for now if you want to stay in Slateport City.

Lilycove City

Outside Lilycove Harbor
Outside Lilycove Harbor

Lilycove City is the second-largest city in Hoenn.

Even without a Gym, the city boasts numerous points of interest that are worth exploring. Notably, it includes Hoenn’s largest shop, the Lilycove Department Store.

On the city’s east side, you’ll find the open sea, granting access to all the water routes in east Hoenn. But the water routes remain blocked until you progress further in the main story.

To proceed with the main story, you’ll need to head northeast toward Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout.

Wild Pokémon

Lilycove City (Surfing)
Species Tentacool Wingull Pelipper
Encounter Chance 65% 3 % 5%
Levels Lv. 20-25 Lv. 20 Lv. 25-30
Lilycove City (Fishing – Good Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool Wailmer
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 25 Lv. 25

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Altarianite Gift from a Collector for showing him an Altaria, outside the Contest Spectacular Trainer Fan Club
TM44 (Rest) Gift from a man in the easternmost house
TM88 (Sleep Talk) Gift from a man in the easternmost house (after obtaining TM44)
Poké Flute Gift from a Black Belt, inside the easternmost house
Max Repel Northwest of the lighthouse, southeast side of the city
Heart Scale (Hidden) On a large rock, southern side of the beach
Poké Ball (Hidden) On a rock, east side of the beach
PP Up (Hidden) On a large rock, near Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout

Rival Battle #4

Your Rival challenges you
Your Rival challenges you

As you climb the stairs near the city’s Pokémon Center, your Rival will appear and challenge you to another battle. This time, your Rival has become significantly stronger, boasting four fully-evolved Pokémon.

If you picked Treecko:

Your Rival
Pokémon Swellow Lv.37 Wailord Lv.37 Breloom Lv.37 Blaziken Lv.39
Type Normal / Flying Water Grass / Fighting Fire / Fighting
Ability Guts Water Veil Effect Spore Blaze
Held Item None None None None
  • Double Team
  • Aerial Ace
  • Quick Guard
  • Agility
  • Rest
  • Brine
  • Water Spout
  • Amnesia
  • Counter
  • Mach Punch
  • Force Palm
  • Mind Reader
  • Quick Attack
  • Bulk Up
  • Blaze Kick
  • Focus Energy
If you picked Torchic:

Your Rival
Pokémon Swellow Lv.37 Breloom Lv.37 Magcargo Lv.37 Swampert Lv.39
Type Normal / Flying Grass / Fighting Fire / Rock Water / Ground
Ability Guts Effect Spore Magma Armor Torrent
Held Item None None None None
  • Double Team
  • Aerial Ace
  • Quick Guard
  • Agility
  • Counter
  • Mach Punch
  • Force Palm
  • Mind Reader
  • Flame Burst
  • Rock Slide
  • Lava Plume
  • Amnesia
  • Mud Bomb
  • Rock Slide
  • Protect
  • Muddy Water
If you picked Mudkip:

Your Rival
Pokémon Swellow Lv.37 Magcargo Lv.37 Wailord Lv.37 Sceptile Lv.39
Type Normal / Flying Fire / Rock Water Grass
Ability Guts Magma Armor Water Veil Overgrow
Held Item None None None None
  • Double Team
  • Aerial Ace
  • Quick Guard
  • Agility
  • Flame Burst
  • Rock Slide
  • Lava Plume
  • Amnesia
  • Rest
  • Brine
  • Water Spout
  • Amnesia
  • Agility
  • Slam
  • Dual Chop
  • Detect

Lilycove Department Store

Outside the Department Store
Outside the Department Store

The Lilycove Department Store is a multi-level PokéMart located on the north side of Lilycove City.

Inside, there are six different floors, each offering the following items and services:

Floor Services / Items Sold
1F – Service Counter and Lottery Center Lottery Corner, Elevator
2F – Trainers’ Zone Poké Balls, Potions, Repels and other items.
3F – Battle Collection Vitamins, Battle Items
4F – TM Counter TMs
5F – Decoration Floor Secret Base Decorations
6F – Rooftop Plaza Vending Machine, Decorations Shop (Saturdays only)

The Move Deleter

Outside the Move Deleter’s House
Outside the Move Deleter’s House

Located to the right of the Department Store in Lilycove City is the Move Deleter’s house. Inside, you can have any move removed from your Pokémon’s moveset.

This is particularly handy for getting rid of HMs, which can’t normally be deleted or replaced by other moves.

Talking to the Move Deleter
Talking to the Move Deleter

Lilycove Museum – Decoration Shop

Outside the Lilycove Museum
Outside the Lilycove Museum

On the left side of the Department Store is the Lilycove Museum, showcasing Pokémon-themed artwork.

Inside, a Kindler will offer to sell you three different Secret Base decorations, each priced at 100,000 Pokédollars.

Kindler inside the museum
Kindler inside the museum

Lilycove Contest Hall

Outside Lilycove’s Contest Hall
Outside Lilycove’s Contest Hall

Just like in Fallarbor Town, Lilycove City has its own Contest Hall if you’re interested in participating in a Pokémon Contest.

Memory Girl

Talking to the Memory Girl
Talking to the Memory Girl

Right outside the Pokémon Center you’ll encounter the Memory Girl NPC. Talk to her, and she’ll tell you about the memories of a particular Pokémon in your party.

Free Random Berry

Obtaining a Berry from the Gentleman
Obtaining a Berry from the Gentleman

In the northeast part of the city, a Gentleman will randomly give you one of the following berries once per day:

  • Aspear Berry
  • Cheri Berry
  • Chesto Berry
  • Leppa Berry
  • Lum Berry
  • Oran Berry
  • Pecha Berry
  • Persim Berry
  • Rawst Berry
  • Sitrus Berry

Northeast Exit to Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout

Exit to Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout
Exit to Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout

After defeating your rival, the path to Team Aqua/Magma’s hideout should now be open. This is where you’ll need to go next to advance the storyline.

So go to the northeastern part of the city where you’ll discover a large cove leading to Team Aqua/Magma’s Hideout. Use Surf to go through the entrance.

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