Quick Guide

  1. Go to the east side of Fortree City to find Steven.
  2. Follow Steven to a bridge on Route 120.
  3. Use the Devon Scope to battle the hidden Kecleon.
  4. Return to Fortree City and use the Devon Scope to clear the Kecleon blocking the path to the Gym.
  5. Challenge the city’s Gym Leader Winona to earn the 6th Gym Badge.
  6. Explore Route 120 further and proceed towards Route 121.

Fortree City

Fortree City
Fortree City

Fortree is a unique city which features treehouse residences connected by rope bridges. There are many useful optional places to visit, especially if you’re actively using your Secret Base.

If you’re eager to challenge the Gym right away, you’ll have to clear out the invisible object blocking the path to the Gym. To do this, head to the east side of the city, where you’ll encounter Steven once again.

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
TM10 Hidden Power Gift from an elderly woman for winning a coin game, inside the treehouse northwest of the Gym
TM86 Grass Knot Behind the Fortree City Gym

(Requires the Devon Scope)
Mental Herb Gift from a Pokémon Breeder after you meet his Wingull in Mossdeep City, inside the northeastern treehouse
Stairs Gift from a Lass, inside the southwestern treehouse
Proclamation Gift from Aarune when you first visit the Secret Base Guild
Tiny Mushroom (Hidden) Near a Pokemon Ranger, east side of the city
Super Repel (Hidden) Outside the Poké Mart

In-Game Trade in Fortree City

In the treehouse near the Pokémon Center, you can trade your Spinda for a Skitty.

Fortree City - Northwest treehouse
Fortree City – Northwest treehouse
Note: The Skitty will be holding a Magost Berry, a berry that cannot be found in any Berry Tree in Hoenn.
Trade What You Get What You Give
Pokémon Skitty Lv. 30
Spinda (any Lv.)
Ability Cute Charm Any
Held Item Magost Berry Any
  • Copycat
  • Feint Attack
  • Charm
  • Wake-Up Slap
Location Fortree City – Little girl inside the treehouse located directly to the right of the Pokecenter.

Can be found on Route 113 (60%)

Hidden Power House

Outside the Hidden Power House
Outside the Hidden Power House

Inside the house to the right of the trader searching for a Spinda, you’ll find an elderly woman who will give you TM10 Hidden Power. To obtain the TM you just need to win her coin game.

Playing the coin game to obtain TM10
Playing the coin game to obtain TM10

Talk to the elderly woman on the left. She will ask you to guess which hand she’s holding the coin three times in a row. The correct pattern is always the same:

  1. Right Hand
  2. Right Hand
  3. Left Hand

After three correct guesses in a row, you’ll receive TM10 Hidden Power from her.

The Hidden Power Checker

Checking a Pokemon’s Hidden Power type
Checking a Pokemon’s Hidden Power type

In the same house as where you get TM10, you’ll also find the Hidden Power Checker NPC.

The Hidden Power Checker can reveal the specific type of your Pokémon’s Hidden Power, a move that varies in type based on your Pokémon’s individual values (IVs).

Simply talk to the woman on the right, and select a Pokémon from your party. She’ll tell you its Hidden Power type.

Secret Base Guild

Outside the Secret Base Guild
Outside the Secret Base Guild

You can find the Secret Base Guild inside the southeast treehouse of Fortree City. Inside, you can find Aarune, the Secret Base Expert.

Secret Base Expert Aarune

Talking to Aarune
Talking to Aarune

Upon your initial visit, Aarune will greet you and welcome you to the Secret Base Guild, presenting you with a “Proclamation” for your Secret Base. Then, each time you talk to Aarune, you’ll have two options:

Option 1: “Let’s see those flags.”

Aarune will check how many flags you and your team have collected for the Capture the Flag feature in Secret Bases. The greater the number of flags your team has, the higher your Secret Base Rank becomes. Accumulating flags also grants you to the following rewards:

Rank Flags Required Reward
Normal 0 Flags Proclamation Decoration
Bronze 30 Flags Blackboard Decoration
Silver 100 Flags Jukebox Decoration
Gold 500 Flags Mood Lighting Decoration
Platinum 1000 Flags Garchompite and Confetti Ball Decoration
Option 2: “Let’s have a battle!”

If you challenge Aarune, he’ll gladly accept and battle you in a Single Battle. His team will improve when you enter the Hall of Fame, but for now, he’ll battle you with a Flygon:

Secret Base Expert Aarune
Pokémon Flygon Lv. 23
Type Ground / Dragon
Ability Levitate
Held Item Normal Gem
  • Secret Power
  • Fly
  • Earth Power
  • Dragon Claw

Decoration Shop

Buying decorations
Buying decorations

On the left side of the guild is a place where you can purchase various decorations for your Secret Base.

The following items are available, but some items are only accessible when your Secret Base team reaches a certain rank:

Lower Clerk (Lass)
Item Price Required Rank
Small Chair 1,000 Normal
Small Desk 2,000 Normal
Poké Ball Chair 1,000 Normal
Poké Ball Desk 2,000 Normal
Heavy Chair 1,000 Normal
Heavy Desk 3,000 Normal
Soft Chair 1,000 Bronze
Soft Desk 3,000 Bronze
Rough Chair 1,000 Bronze
Rough Desk 3,000 Bronze
Brick Chair 1,000 Silver
Brick Desk 4,000 Silver
Log Chair 1,000 Silver
Log Desk 4,000 Silver
Hard Chair 1,000 Silver
Hard Desk 4,000 Silver
Icy Desk 5,000 Gold
Upper Clerk (Schoolkid)
Item Price Required Rank
Fence 500 Normal
Makiwara 1,000 Normal
Tall Grass 1,000 Normal
Gym Statue 3,000 Normal
Boppoyama 4,000 Normal
Comfortable Bed 6,000 Normal
Glitter Mat 2,000 Normal
Jump Mat 2,000 Normal
Red Spin Tile 2,000 Normal
Spin Mat 2,000 Bronze
Pitfall Mat 2,000 Bronze
Blue Spin Panel 2,500 Bronze
Toy PC 5,000 Bronze
Vending Machine 6,000 Silver
Square-One Mat 2,000 Silver
Yellow Spin Panel 3,000 Silver
Red Warp Panel 2,500 Silver
Blue Warp Panel 2,500 Gold
Yellow Warp Panel 2,500 Gold
Invisible Doll 4,000 Gold

Avatar Changer

Changing Avatars
Changing Avatars

In the top-right corner of the guild, there’s also a Pokémon Ranger who can change the avatar of your character that appears in your Secret Base.

Talk to her and choose one of the available Trainer Classes. This change is also visible when you use other multiplayer features like StreetPass or PSS.

Following Steven to Route 120

Using the Devon Scope
Using the Devon Scope

If you follow Steven all the way to a wooden bridge on Route 120, a cutscene will start. He’ll give you a Key Item called the Devon Scope, which allows you to reveal hidden Kecleon that may block certain spots in an area.

Use it to reveal a nearby hidden Kecleon, then battle or catch it.

Devon Scope + Starter’s Mega Stone

Obtaining a Mega Stone
Obtaining a Mega Stone

In addition to giving you the Devon Scope, Steven will also present you with your Starter Pokemon’s Mega Stone before leaving once again. Let your fully evolved starter hold this to allow them to Mega Evolve.

Starter Chosen Mega Stone
Treecko Sceptilite
Torchic Blazikenite
Mudkip Swampertite

Back to Fortree City

Revealing the Kecleon
Revealing the Kecleon

Return to Fortree City and use the Devon Scope on the hidden Kecleon blocking the path to the Gym.

After being revealed, the Kecleon will flee, allowing you to enter and challenge the city’s Gym.

The Fortree City Gym

Fortree City Gym
Fortree City Gym
Related: We have a dedicated page on the Fortree Gym including how to solve the gym puzzle & how to handle Winona’s team in battle.

After you defeat Winona, you’ll receive the Feather Badge and TM19 Roost. Additionally, you’ll finally be able to use HM02 Fly outside of battle.

Obtaining the Feather Badge and TM19
Obtaining the Feather Badge and TM19

Route 120

Route 120
Route 120

After obtaining the sixth Gym Badge, you’ll now be able to fully explore Route 120.

This route can be divided into two primary sections: the main section primarily situated on the eastern side, and the Ancient Tomb section on the west side.

Head southward through the winding paths, long grass mazes, and wooden bridges in the main section to find the exit leading to Route 121.

Wild Pokémon

Route 120 (Long Grass)
Species Gloom Linoone Tropius Kecleon Absol
Encounter Chance 40% 40% 10% 5% 5%
Levels Lv. 24-27 Lv. 24-27 Lv. 27 Lv. 27 Lv. 27
Route 120 (Surfing)
Species Azumarill Surskit Masquerain
Encounter Chance 66% 30% 4%
Levels Lv. 20-30 Lv. 20 Lv. 25
Route 120: Main Section (Fishing – Good Rod)
Species Magikarp Tentacool Barboach
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 25 Lv. 25

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Light Ball North side of the southernmost long grass patch
Nest Ball By a ledge near a lake, north side of the route
Nugget West side of the long grass maze
Aspear Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, in a hidden area north of the long grass maze

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Wepear Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, in a hidden area north of the long grass maze

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Pinap Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, in a hidden area north of the long grass maze

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Rare Candy (Hidden) At the end of a hidden path, northernmost side of the route

(Requires HM01 Cut)
Revive (Hidden) In the middle of the northernmost long grass patch
Zinc (Hidden) Northwest side of the long grass maze

Free Daily Berry from Aroma Lady

Getting a free Berry
Getting a free Berry

In the southwest corner of Route 120, an Aroma Lady will give you a Berry each day if you say “Yes” to her question.

The specific type of Berry she will give you is determined by the last digit of your Trainer ID number.

Berry Last Digit of Trainer ID
Figy Berry 0 or 5
Wiki Berry 1 or 6
Mago Berry 2 or 7
Aguav Berry 3 or 8
Iapapa Berry 4 or 9

Ancient Tomb

Ancient Tomb area
Ancient Tomb area

If you climb the stairs near the Aroma Lady, you’ll enter the section of Route 120 surrounding the cave known as the Ancient Tomb.

The cave entrance is closed for now, but you’ll be able to catch Registeel inside later in the game.

Notably, although the Pokémon you can find are mostly the same, fishing in this area has a different encounter table than the rest of the route.

Wild Pokémon

Route 120: Ancient Tomb Area (Fishing – Good Rod)
Species Magikarp Goldeen Barboach
Encounter Chance 60% 35% 5%
Levels Lv. 25 Lv. 25 Lv. 25

Currently Obtainable Items

Item Method Exact Location
Full Heal Bottom-left corner of the pond, southwest side of the area
Nanab Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, north of the southwest pond
Razz Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, north of the southwest pond
Pecha Berry x6 On a Berry Tree, north of the southwest pond
Revive North of the Ancient Tomb
Nanab Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, northwest of the Ancient Tomb
Razz Berry x4 On a Berry Tree, northwest of the Ancient Tomb
Pecha Berry x6 On a Berry Tree, northwest of the Ancient Tomb
Rare Candy (Hidden) Bottom-left corner of the pond, southwest side of the area

Southeast Exit to Route 121

Exit to Route 121
Exit to Route 121

When you reach the south side of Route 120 you should be able to find a dirt path. Follow the path eastward to reach Route 121.

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