There are a total of 721 total Pokemon in the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire National Pokedex. This page lists all of these Pokémon by National Pokedex numbering, along with their general locations and typing details.
You can click any of the Pokémon below to visit their individual Pokedex pages with a deeper breakdown on their locations, learnsets, abilities, and more.
Dex # | Pokemon | Type | Location |
#001 | Bulbasaur | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#002 | Ivysaur | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#003 | Venusaur | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#004 | Charmander | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#005 | Charmeleon | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#006 | Charizard | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#007 | Squirtle | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#008 | Wartortle | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#009 | Blastoise | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#010 | Caterpie | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#011 | Metapod | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#012 | Butterfree | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#013 | Weedle | BugPoison | Breed Kakuna/Beedrill |
#014 | Kakuna | BugPoison | DexNav: Safari Zone |
#015 | Beedrill | BugPoison | Evolve Kakuna |
#016 | Pidgey | Normal | Breed Pidgeotto/Pidgeot |
#017 | Pidgeotto | Normal | DexNav: Safari Zone |
#018 | Pidgeot | Normal | Evolve Pidgeotto |
#019 | Rattata | Normal | DexNav: Route 117 |
#020 | Raticate | Normal | DexNav: Route 118 |
#021 | Spearow | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#022 | Fearow | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#023 | Ekans | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#024 | Arbok | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#025 | Pikachu | Electric | Safari Zone
Gift: |
#026 | Raichu | Electric | Evolve Pikachu |
#027 | Sandshrew | Ground |
#028 | Sandslash | Ground | Evolve Sandshrew |
#029 | Nidoran (F) | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#030 | Nidorina | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#031 | Nidoqueen | PoisonGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#032 | Nidoran (M) | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#033 | Nidorino | Poison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#034 | Nidoking | PoisonGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#035 | Clefairy | Fairy | DexNav:
#036 | Clefable | Fairy | Evolve Clefairy |
#037 | Vulpix | Fire | Mt. Pyre |
#038 | Ninetales | Fire | Evolve Vulpix |
#039 | Jigglypuff | NormalFairy | Route 115 |
#040 | Wigglytuff | NormalFairy | Evolve Jigglypuff |
#041 | Zubat | Poison |
#042 | Golbat | Poison |
#043 | Oddish | GrassPoison |
#044 | Gloom | GrassPoison |
#045 | Vileplume | GrassPoison | Evolve Gloom |
#046 | Paras | BugGrass | DexNav: Petalburg Woods |
#047 | Parasect | BugGrass | Evolve Paras |
#048 | Venonat | BugPoison | Breed Venomoth |
#049 | Venomoth | BugPoison | Mirage Spot – Mirage Island |
#050 | Diglett | Ground | DexNav: Fiery Path |
#051 | Dugtrio | Ground | Evolve Diglett |
#052 | Meowth | Normal | Breed Persian |
#053 | Persian | Normal | Mirage Spot – Mirage Island |
#054 | Psyduck | Water | Safari Zone |
#055 | Golduck | Water | Evolve Psyduck |
#056 | Mankey | Fighting | DexNav: Jagged Pass |
#057 | Primeape | Fighting | Evolve Mankey |
#058 | Growlithe | Fire | DexNav: Mt. Pyre |
#059 | Arcanine | Fire | Evolve Growlithe |
#060 | Poliwag | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#061 | Poliwhirl | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#062 | Poliwrath | WaterFighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#063 | Abra | Psychic | Granite Cave |
#064 | Kadabra | Psychic | Evolve Abra |
#065 | Alakazam | Psychic | Evolve Kadabra |
#066 | Machop | Fighting |
#067 | Machoke | Fighting | Evolve Machop |
#068 | Machamp | Fighting | Evolve Machoke |
#069 | Bellsprout | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#070 | Weepinbell | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#071 | Victreebel | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#072 | Tentacool | WaterPoison | Surfing & Fishing – Most bodies of water |
#073 | Tentacruel | WaterPoison | Surfing:
#074 | Geodude | RockGround |
#075 | Graveler | RockGround | Rock Smash:
#076 | Golem | RockGround | Evolve Graveler |
#077 | Ponyta | Fire | DexNav:
#078 | Rapidash | Fire | Evolve Ponyta |
#079 | Slowpoke | WaterPsychic | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#080 | Slowbro | WaterPsychic | Evolve Slowpoke |
#081 | Magnemite | ElectricSteel |
#082 | Magneton | ElectricSteel | Evolve Magnemite |
#083 | Farfetch’d | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#084 | Doduo | Normal | Safari Zone |
#085 | Dodrio | Normal | Evolve Doduo |
#086 | Seel | Water | DexNav (Surfing): Route 125 |
#087 | Dewgong | WaterIce | DexNav: Shoal Cave |
#088 | Grimer | Poison | Fiery Path |
#089 | Muk | Poison | Evolve Grimer |
#090 | Shellder | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#091 | Cloyster | WaterIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#092 | Gastly | GhostPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#093 | Haunter | GhostPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#094 | Gengar | GhostPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#095 | Onix | RockGround |
#096 | Drowzee | Psychic | Breed Hypno |
#097 | Hypno | Psychic | DexNav: Route 121 |
#098 | Krabby | Water | DexNav (Surfing):
#099 | Kingler | Water | Evolve Krabby |
#100 | Voltorb | Electric |
#101 | Electrode | Electric | Aqua/Magma Hideout (as fake items) |
#102 | Exeggcute | GrassPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#103 | Exeggutor | GrassPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#104 | Cubone | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#105 | Marowak | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#106 | Hitmonlee | Fighting | Evolve Tyrogue |
#107 | Hitmonchan | Fighting | Evolve Tyrogue |
#108 | Lickitung | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#109 | Koffing | Poison | Fiery Path |
#110 | Weezing | Poison | Evolve Koffing |
#111 | Rhyhorn | GroundRock | Safari Zone |
#112 | Rhydon | GroundRock | Evolve Rhyhorn |
#113 | Chansey | Normal | Evolve Happiny |
#114 | Tangela | Grass | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#115 | Kangaskhan | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#116 | Horsea | Water | Fishing:
#117 | Seadra | Water | Fishing:
#118 | Goldeen | Water | Fishing:
#119 | Seaking | Water | Safari Zone (Fishing) |
#120 | Staryu | Water | Fishing:
#121 | Starmie | WaterPsychic | Evolve Staryu |
#122 | Mr. Mime | PsychicFairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#123 | Scyther | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#124 | Jynx | IcePsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#125 | Electabuzz | Electric | Evolve Elekid |
#126 | Magmar | Fire | Evolve Magby |
#127 | Pinsir | Bug | Safari Zone |
#128 | Tauros | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#129 | Magikarp | Water | Fishing (most water routes) |
#130 | Gyarados | Water | Sootopolis City (Super Rod) |
#131 | Lapras | WaterIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#132 | Ditto | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Cave, Mirage Island |
#133 | Eevee | Normal | DexNav: Route 116 |
#134 | Vaporeon | Water | Evolve Eevee (Water Stone) |
#135 | Jolteon | Electric | Evolve Eevee (Thunder Stone) |
#136 | Flareon | Fire | Evolve Eevee (Fire Stone) |
#137 | Porygon | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#138 | Omanyte | RockWater | Revive a Helix Fossil (AS only) |
#139 | Omastar | RockWater | Evolve Omanyte |
#140 | Kabuto | RockWater | Revive a Dome Fossil (OR only) |
#141 | Kabutops | RockWater | Evolve Kabuto |
#142 | Aerodactyl | Rock | Revive an Old Amber |
#143 | Snorlax | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#144 | Articuno | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#145 | Zapdos | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#146 | Moltres | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#147 | Dratini | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#148 | Dragonair | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#149 | Dragonite | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#150 | Mewtwo | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#151 | Mew | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#152 | Chikorita | Grass | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four for the first time |
#153 | Bayleef | Grass | Evolve Chikorita |
#154 | Meganium | Grass | Evolve Bayleef |
#155 | Cyndaquil | Fire | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four for the first time |
#156 | Quilava | Fire | Evolve Cyndaquil |
#157 | Typhlosion | Fire | Evolve Quilava |
#158 | Totodile | Water | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four for the first time |
#159 | Croconaw | Water | Evolve Totodile |
#160 | Feraligatr | Water | Evolve Croconaw |
#161 | Sentret | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#162 | Furret | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#163 | Hoothoot | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#164 | Noctowl | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#165 | Ledyba | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#166 | Ledian | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#167 | Spinarak | BugPoison | Breed Ariados |
#168 | Ariados | BugPoison | Sky Pillar |
#169 | Crobat | Poison | Evolve Golbat |
#170 | Chinchou | WaterElectric | Diving:
#171 | Lanturn | WaterElectric | Diving:
#172 | Pichu | Electric | Breed Pikachu/Raichu |
#173 | Cleffa | Fairy | Breed Clefairy/Clefable |
#174 | Igglybuff | NormalFairy | Breed Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff |
#175 | Togepi | Fairy | Gift: Lavaridge Town, as a Poké Egg from the old lady in front of the hot springs |
#176 | Togetic | Fairy | Evolve Togepi |
#177 | Natu | Psychic | Breed Xatu |
#178 | Xatu | Psychic |
#179 | Mareep | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#180 | Flaaffy | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#181 | Ampharos | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#182 | Bellossom | Grass | Evolve Gloom (Sun Stone) |
#183 | Marill | WaterFairy | Route 117 (Grass) Surfing:
#184 | Azumarill | WaterFairy | Surfing:
#185 | Sudowoodo | Rock | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#186 | Politoed | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#187 | Hoppip | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#188 | Skiploom | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#189 | Jumpluff | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#190 | Aipom | Normal | DexNav:
#191 | Sunkern | Grass | Mirage Spot – Mirage Forest |
#192 | Sunflora | Grass | Evolve Sunkern |
#193 | Yanma | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#194 | Wooper | WaterGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#195 | Quagsire | WaterGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#196 | Espeon | Psychic | Evolve Eevee (high happiness during the day) |
#197 | Umbreon | Dark | Evolve Eevee (high happiness during the night) |
#198 | Murkrow | Dark | Soaring with the Eon Flute |
#199 | Slowking | WaterPsychic | Evolve Slowpoke (King’s Rock) |
#200 | Misdreavus | Ghost | DexNav:
#201 | Unown | Psychic | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#202 | Wobbuffet | Psychic | Safari Zone |
#203 | Girafarig | NormalPsychic |
#204 | Pineco | Bug | Breed Forretress |
#205 | Forretress | BugSteel | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Mountain |
#206 | Dunsparce | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#207 | Gligar | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#208 | Steelix | SteelGround | Evolve Onix (Metal Coat) |
#209 | Snubbull | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#210 | Granbull | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#211 | Qwilfish | WaterPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#212 | Scizor | BugSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#213 | Shuckle | BugRock | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#214 | Heracross | BugFighting | Safari Zone |
#215 | Sneasel | DarkIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#216 | Teddiursa | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#217 | Ursaring | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#218 | Slugma | Fire | Fiery Path |
#219 | Magcargo | FireRock | Evolve Slugma |
#220 | Swinub | IceGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#221 | Piloswine | IceGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#222 | Corsola | WaterRock | Diving: Route 128
Fishing: Route 128, Ever Grande City In-game Trade: Pacifidlog Town (for a Bellossom) |
#223 | Remoraid | Water | Battle Resort (Fishing) |
#224 | Octillery | Water | Battle Resort (Fishing) |
#225 | Delibird | Ice | DexNav: Shoal Cave |
#226 | Mantine | Water | Battle Resort (Surfing) |
#227 | Skarmory | Steel | Route 113 |
#228 | Houndour | DarkFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#229 | Houndoom | DarkFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#230 | Kingdra | WaterDragon | Evolve Seadra (King’s Rock) |
#231 | Phanpy | Ground | Breed Donphan |
#232 | Donphan | Ground |
#233 | Porygon2 | Normal | Evolve Porygon (Up-Grade) |
#234 | Stantler | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Mountain |
#235 | Smeargle | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#236 | Tyrogue | Fighting | DexNav:
#237 | Hitmontop | Fighting | Evolve Tyrogue |
#238 | Smoochum | IcePsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#239 | Elekid | Electric | Mirage Spots – Mirage Mountain |
#240 | Magby | Fire | Mirage Spots – Mirage Mountain |
#241 | Miltank | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#242 | Blissey | Normal | Evolve Chansey (high happiness) |
#243 | Raikou | Electric | Trackless Forest |
#244 | Entei | Fire | Trackless Forest |
#245 | Suicune | Water | Trackless Forest |
#246 | Larvitar | RockGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#247 | Pupitar | RockGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#248 | Tyranitar | RockDark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#249 | Lugia | Psychic | Sea Mauville (AS only) |
#250 | Ho-Oh | Fire | Sea Mauville (OR only) |
#251 | Celebi | PsychicGrass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#252 | Treecko | Grass | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch |
#253 | Grovyle | Grass | Evolve Treecko |
#254 | Sceptile | Grass | Evolve Grovyle |
#255 | Torchic | Fire | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch |
#256 | Combusken | FireFighting | Evolve Torchic |
#257 | Blaziken | FireFighting | Evolve Combusken |
#258 | Mudkip | Water | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch |
#259 | Marshtomp | WaterGround | Evolve Mudkip |
#260 | Swampert | WaterGround | Evolve Marshtomp |
#261 | Poochyena | Dark |
#262 | Mightyena | Dark | Evolve Poochyena |
#263 | Zigzagoon | Normal |
#264 | Linoone | Normal |
#265 | Wurmple | Bug |
#266 | Silcoon | Bug | Petalburg Woods |
#267 | Beautifly | Bug | Evolve Silcoon |
#268 | Cascoon | Bug | Petalburg Woods |
#269 | Dustox | BugPoison | Evolve Cascoon |
#270 | Lotad | WaterGrass | AS exclusive:
#271 | Lombre | WaterGrass | AS exclusive: Route 114 |
#272 | Ludicolo | WaterGrass | Evolve Lombre |
#273 | Seedot | Grass | OR exclusive:
#274 | Nuzleaf | GrassDark | OR exclusive: Route 114 |
#275 | Shiftry | GrassDark | Evolve Nuzleaf |
#276 | Taillow | Normal |
#277 | Swellow | Normal | Evolve Taillow |
#278 | Wingull | Water |
#279 | Pelipper | Water |
#280 | Ralts | PsychicFairy | Route 102 |
#281 | Kirlia | PsychicFairy | Evolve Ralts |
#282 | Gardevoir | PsychicFairy | Evolve Kirlia |
#283 | Surskit | BugWater |
#284 | Masquerain | Bug | Surfing:
#285 | Shroomish | Grass | Petalburg Woods |
#286 | Breloom | GrassFighting | Evolve Shroomish |
#287 | Slakoth | Normal | Petalburg Woods |
#288 | Vigoroth | Normal | Evolve Slakoth |
#289 | Slaking | Normal | Evolve Vigoroth |
#290 | Nincada | BugGround | Route 116 |
#291 | Ninjask | Bug | Evolve Nincada |
#292 | Shedinja | BugGhost | Evolve Nincada |
#293 | Whismur | Normal |
#294 | Loudred | Normal | Victory Road |
#295 | Exploud | Normal | Evolve Loudred |
#296 | Makuhita | Fighting |
#297 | Hariyama | Fighting | Victory Road |
#298 | Azurill | NormalFairy | Breed Marill/Azumarill |
#299 | Nosepass | Rock | Granite Cave |
#300 | Skitty | Normal |
#301 | Delcatty | Normal | Evolve Skitty |
#302 | Sableye | DarkGhost | AS exclusive:
#303 | Mawile | SteelFairy | OR exclusive:
#304 | Aron | SteelRock |
#305 | Lairon | SteelRock | Victory Road |
#306 | Aggron | SteelRock | Evolve Lairon |
#307 | Meditite | FightingPsychic | Mt. Pyre |
#308 | Medicham | FightingPsychic | Victory Road |
#309 | Electrike | Electric |
#310 | Manectric | Electric | Evolve Electrike |
#311 | Plusle | Electric | Route 110 |
#312 | Minun | Electric | Route 110 |
#313 | Volbeat | Bug | Route 117 |
#314 | Illumise | Bug | Route 117 |
#315 | Roselia | GrassPoison | Route 117 |
#316 | Gulpin | Poison | Route 110 |
#317 | Swalot | Poison | Evolve Gulpin |
#318 | Carvanha | WaterDark | Fishing:
#319 | Sharpedo | WaterDark | Fishing:
Gift: Battle Resort, from the Grunt couple in the house to the right of the Battle Maison |
#320 | Wailmer | Water | Good Rod/Super Rod (most bodies of water) |
#321 | Wailord | Water | Evolve Wailmer |
#322 | Numel | FireGround |
#323 | Camerupt | FireGround | Gift: Battle Resort, from the Grunt couple in the house to the right of the Battle Maison |
#324 | Torkoal | Fire | Fiery Path |
#325 | Spoink | Psychic | Jagged Pass |
#326 | Grumpig | Psychic | Evolve Spoink |
#327 | Spinda | Normal | Route 113 |
#328 | Trapinch | Ground | Route 111 – Desert |
#329 | Vibrava | GroundDragon | Evolve Trapinch |
#330 | Flygon | GroundDragon | Evolve Vibrava |
#331 | Cacnea | Grass | Route 111 – Desert |
#332 | Cacturne | GrassDark | Evolve Cacnea |
#333 | Swablu | Normal |
#334 | Altaria | Dragon | Evolve Swablu |
#335 | Zangoose | Normal | OR exclusive: Route 114 |
#336 | Seviper | Poison | AS exclusive: Route 114 |
#337 | Lunatone | RockPsychic | AS exclusive: Meteor Falls |
#338 | Solrock | RockPsychic | OR exclusive: Meteor Falls |
#339 | Barboach | WaterGround | Fishing:
#340 | Whiscash | WaterGround | Fishing: Meteor Falls |
#341 | Corphish | Water | Fishing:
#342 | Crawdaunt | WaterDark | Fishing:
#343 | Baltoy | GroundPsychic | Route 111 – Desert |
#344 | Claydol | GroundPsychic | Sky Pillar |
#345 | Lileep | RockGrass | Revive a Root Fossil |
#346 | Cradily | RockGrass | Evolve Lileep |
#347 | Anorith | RockBug | Revive a Claw Fossil |
#348 | Armaldo | RockBug | Evolve Anorith |
#349 | Feebas | Water | Fishing: Route 119 |
#350 | Milotic | Water | Evolve Feebas |
#351 | Castform | Normal | Gift: Route 119 – Weather Institute |
#352 | Kecleon | Normal |
#353 | Shuppet | Ghost |
#354 | Banette | Ghost | Evolve Shuppet |
#355 | Duskull | Ghost | Mt. Pyre |
#356 | Dusclops | Ghost | Evolve Duskull |
#357 | Tropius | Grass |
#358 | Chimecho | Psychic | Mt. Pyre |
#359 | Absol | Dark | Route 120 |
#360 | Wynaut | Psychic | Gift: Lavaridge Town, as a Poké Egg from the old lady in front of the hot springs |
#361 | Snorunt | Ice | Shoal Cave |
#362 | Glalie | Ice | Evolve Snorunt |
#363 | Spheal | IceWater | Shoal Cave |
#364 | Sealeo | IceWater | Shoal Cave |
#365 | Walrein | IceWater | Evolve Sealeo |
#366 | Clamperl | Water | Diving:
#367 | Huntail | Water | Evolve Clamperl (Deep Sea Tooth) |
#368 | Gorebyss | Water | Evolve Clamperl (Deep Sea Scale) |
#369 | Relicanth | WaterRock | Diving:
#370 | Luvdisc | Water | Fishing:
#371 | Bagon | Dragon | Meteor Falls |
#372 | Shelgon | Dragon | Evolve Bagon |
#373 | Salamence | Dragon | Evolve Shelgon |
#374 | Beldum | SteelPsychic | Gift: Mossdeep City – Steven’s house after clearing the Delta Episode |
#375 | Metang | SteelPsychic | Evolve Beldum |
#376 | Metagross | SteelPsychic | Evolve Metang |
#377 | Regirock | Rock | Route 111 – Desert Ruins |
#378 | Regice | Ice | Route 105 – Island Cave |
#379 | Registeel | Steel | Route 120 – Ancient Tomb |
#380 | Latias | DragonPsychic | AS: Gift – Southern Island
OR: Interactable – Southern Island (requires the Eon Ticket) |
#381 | Latios | DragonPsychic | OR: Gift – Southern Island
AS: Interactable – Southern Island (requires the Eon Ticket) |
#382 | Kyogre | Water | AS exclusive: Cave of Origin |
#383 | Groudon | Ground | OR exclusive: Cave of Origin |
#384 | Rayquaza | Dragon | Sky Pillar |
#385 | Jirachi | SteelPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#386 | Deoxys | Psychic | Sky Pillar |
#387 | Turtwig | Grass | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four in a rematch |
#388 | Grotle | Grass | Evolve Turtwig |
#389 | Torterra | GrassGround | Evolve Grotle |
#390 | Chimchar | Fire | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four in a rematch |
#391 | Monferno | FireFighting | Evolve Chimchar |
#392 | Infernape | FireFighting | Evolve Monferno |
#393 | Piplup | Water | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after defeating the Elite Four in a rematch |
#394 | Prinplup | Water | Evolve Piplup |
#395 | Empoleon | WaterSteel | Evolve Prinplup |
#396 | Starly | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#397 | Staravia | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#398 | Staraptor | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#399 | Bidoof | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#400 | Bibarel | NormalWater | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#401 | Kricketot | Bug | Breed Kricketune |
#402 | Kricketune | Bug | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Mountain |
#403 | Shinx | Electric | Breed Luxio/Luxray |
#404 | Luxio | Electric | DexNav: Route 118 |
#405 | Luxray | Electric | Evolve Luxio |
#406 | Budew | GrassPoison | Breed Roselia/Roserade |
#407 | Roserade | GrassPoison | Evolve Roselia (Shiny Stone) |
#408 | Cranidos | Rock | AS exclusive: Revive a Skull Fossil |
#409 | Rampardos | Rock | Evolve Cranidos |
#410 | Shieldon | RockSteel | OR exclusive: Revive an Armor Fossil |
#411 | Bastiodon | RockSteel | Evolve Shieldon |
#412 | Burmy | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#413 | Wormadam | BugGrass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#414 | Mothim | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#415 | Combee | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#416 | Vespiquen | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#417 | Pachirisu | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#418 | Buizel | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#419 | Floatzel | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#420 | Cherubi | Grass | Breed Cherrim |
#421 | Cherrim | Grass | Mirage Spot – Mirage Forest |
#422 | Shellos | Water | DexNav:
#423 | Gastrodon | WaterGround | Evolve Shellos |
#424 | Ambipom | Normal | Evolve Aipom |
#425 | Drifloon | Ghost | Soaring with the Eon Flute |
#426 | Drifblim | Ghost | Evolve Drifloon |
#427 | Buneary | Normal | DexNav: Safari Zone |
#428 | Lopunny | Normal | Evolve Buneary |
#429 | Mismagius | Ghost | Evolve Misdreavus (Dusk Stone) |
#430 | Honchkrow | Dark | Evolve Murkrow (Dusk Stone) |
#431 | Glameow | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest |
#432 | Purugly | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Island |
#433 | Chingling | Psychic | Breed Chimecho |
#434 | Stunky | PoisonDark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#435 | Skuntank | PoisonDark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#436 | Bronzor | SteelPsychic | DexNav: Mt. Pyre |
#437 | Bronzong | SteelPsychic | Evolve Bronzor |
#438 | Bonsly | Rock | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#439 | Mime Jr. | PsychicFairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#440 | Happiny | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Mountain |
#441 | Chatot | Normal | DexNav:
#442 | Spiritomb | GhostDark | Sea Mauville (once-only) |
#443 | Gible | DragonGround | DexNav: Route 111 – Desert |
#444 | Gabite | DragonGround | Evolve Gible |
#445 | Garchomp | DragonGround | Evolve Gabite |
#446 | Munchlax | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#447 | Riolu | Fighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#448 | Lucario | FightingSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#449 | Hippopotas | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#450 | Hippowdon | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#451 | Skorupi | PoisonBug | DexNav: Route 114 |
#452 | Drapion | PoisonDark | Evolve Skorupi |
#453 | Croagunk | PoisonFighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#454 | Toxicroak | PoisonFighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#455 | Carnivine | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#456 | Finneon | Water | DexNav (Surfing):
#457 | Lumineon | Water | Evolve Finneon |
#458 | Mantyke | Water | Surfing: Battle Resort |
#459 | Snover | GrassIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#460 | Abomasnow | GrassIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#461 | Weavile | DarkIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#462 | Magnezone | ElectricSteel | Evolve Magneton (Thunder Stone or level-up in magnetic field) |
#463 | Lickilicky | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#464 | Rhyperior | GroundRock | Evolve Rhydon (Protector) |
#465 | Tangrowth | Grass | Evolve Tangela (level while knowing Ancient Power) |
#466 | Electivire | Electric | Evolve Electabuzz (Electirizer) |
#467 | Magmortar | Fire | Evolve Magmar (Magmarizer) |
#468 | Togekiss | Fairy | Evolve Togetic (Shiny Stone) |
#469 | Yanmega | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#470 | Leafeon | Grass | Evolve Eevee (level near Moss Rock) |
#471 | Glaceon | Ice | Evolve Eevee (level near Ice Rock) |
#472 | Gliscor | Ground | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#473 | Mamoswine | IceGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#474 | Porygon-Z | Normal | Evolve Porygon2 (Dubious Disc) |
#475 | Gallade | PsychicFighting | Evolve male Kirlia (Dawn Stone) |
#476 | Probopass | RockSteel | Evolve Nosepass (Thunder Stone or level near magnetic field around New Mauville) |
#477 | Dusknoir | Ghost | Evolve Dusclops (Reaper Cloth) |
#478 | Froslass | IceGhost | Evolve Snorunt (Dawn Stone) |
#479 | Rotom | ElectricGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#480 | Uxie | Psychic | Nameless Cavern |
#481 | Mesprit | Psychic | Nameless Cavern |
#482 | Azelf | Psychic | Nameless Cavern |
#483 | Dialga | SteelDragon | AS exclusive: Dimensional Rift above Dewford Town (soaring) |
#484 | Palkia | WaterDragon | OR exclusive: Dimensional Rift above Dewford Town (soaring) |
#485 | Heatran | FireSteel | Scorched Slab |
#486 | Regigigas | Normal | Route 105 – Island Cave |
#487 | Giratina | GhostDragon | Dimensional Rift above Dewford Town (soaring) |
#488 | Cresselia | Psychic | Crescent Isle |
#489 | Phione | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#490 | Manaphy | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#491 | Darkrai | Dark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#492 | Shaymin | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#493 | Arceus | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#494 | Victini | PsychicFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#495 | Snivy | Grass | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after clearing the Delta Episode |
#496 | Servine | Grass | Evolve Snivy |
#497 | Serperior | Grass | Evolve Servine |
#498 | Tepig | Fire | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after clearing the Delta Episode |
#499 | Pignite | FireFighting | Evolve Tepig |
#500 | Emboar | FireFighting | Evolve Pignite |
#501 | Oshawott | Water | Gift: Route 101, from Professor Birch after clearing the Delta Episode |
#502 | Dewott | Water | Evolve Oshawott |
#503 | Samurott | Water | Evolve Dewott |
#504 | Patrat | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#505 | Watchog | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#506 | Lillipup | Normal | DexNav:
#507 | Herdier | Normal | Evolve Lillipup |
#508 | Stoutland | Normal | Evolve Herdier |
#509 | Purrloin | Dark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#510 | Liepard | Dark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#511 | Pansage | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#512 | Simisage | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#513 | Pansear | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#514 | Simisear | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#515 | Panpour | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#516 | Simipour | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#517 | Munna | Psychic | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#518 | Musharna | Psychic | Evolve Munna |
#519 | Pidove | Normal | DexNav:
#520 | Tranquill | Normal | Evolve Pidove |
#521 | Unfezant | Normal | Evolve Tranquill |
#522 | Blitzle | Electric | Breed Zebstrika |
#523 | Zebstrika | Electric | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#524 | Roggenrola | Rock | DexNav: Fiery Path |
#525 | Boldore | Rock | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#526 | Gigalith | Rock | Evolve Boldore |
#527 | Woobat | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#528 | Swoobat | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#529 | Drilbur | Ground | Breed Excadrill |
#530 | Excadrill | GroundSteel | Mirage Spots – Mirage Cave |
#531 | Audino | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#532 | Timburr | Fighting | DexNav: Granite Cave |
#533 | Gurdurr | Fighting | Evolve Timburr |
#534 | Conkeldurr | Fighting | Evolve Gurdurr |
#535 | Tympole | Water | DexNav:
#536 | Palpitoad | WaterGround | Evolve Tympole |
#537 | Seismitoad | WaterGround | Evolve Palpitoad |
#538 | Throh | Fighting | OR exclusive: DexNav – Route 112 |
#539 | Sawk | Fighting | AS exclusive: DexNav – Route 112 |
#540 | Sewaddle | BugGrass | DexNav:
#541 | Swadloon | BugGrass | Evolve Sewaddle |
#542 | Leavanny | BugGrass | Evolve Swadloon |
#543 | Venipede | BugPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#544 | Whirlipede | BugPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#545 | Scolipede | BugPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#546 | Cottonee | GrassFairy | DexNav: Petalburg Woods |
#547 | Whimsicott | GrassFairy | Evolve Cottonee |
#548 | Petilil | Grass | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest |
#549 | Lilligant | Grass | Evolve Petilil |
#550 | Basculin | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#551 | Sandile | GroundDark | DexNav: Route 111 – Desert |
#552 | Krokorok | GroundDark | Evolve Sandile |
#553 | Krookodile | GroundDark | Evolve Krokorok |
#554 | Darumaka | Fire | Breed Darmanitan |
#555 | Darmanitan | Fire | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island, Mirage Mountain |
#556 | Maractus | Grass | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island |
#557 | Dwebble | BugRock | DexNav: Route 111 – Desert |
#558 | Crustle | BugRock | Mirage Spot – Mirage Mountain |
#559 | Scraggy | DarkFighting | DexNav: Route 113 |
#560 | Scrafty | DarkFighting | Evolve Scraggy |
#561 | Sigilyph | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#562 | Yamask | Ghost | Breed Cofagrigus |
#563 | Cofagrigus | Ghost | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#564 | Tirtouga | WaterRock | AS exclusive: Revive a Cover Fossil |
#565 | Carracosta | WaterRock | Evolve Tirtouga |
#566 | Archen | Rock | OR exclusive: Revive a Plume Fossil |
#567 | Archeops | Rock | Evolve Archen |
#568 | Trubbish | Poison | DexNav: Route 110 |
#569 | Garbodor | Poison | Evolve Trubbish |
#570 | Zorua | Dark | DexNav: Route 101 |
#571 | Zoroark | Dark | Evolve Zorua |
#572 | Minccino | Normal | Mirage Spot – Mirage Forest |
#573 | Cinccino | Normal | Evolve Minccino |
#574 | Gothita | Psychic | DexNav: Route 102 |
#575 | Gothorita | Psychic | Evolve Gothita |
#576 | Gothitelle | Psychic | Evolve Gothorita |
#577 | Solosis | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#578 | Duosion | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#579 | Reuniclus | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#580 | Ducklett | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#581 | Swanna | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#582 | Vanillite | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#583 | Vanillish | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#584 | Vanilluxe | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#585 | Deerling | NormalGrass | DexNav: Route 117 |
#586 | Sawsbuck | NormalGrass | Evolve Deerling |
#587 | Emolga | Electric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#588 | Karrablast | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#589 | Escavalier | BugSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#590 | Foongus | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#591 | Amoonguss | GrassPoison | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#592 | Frillish | WaterGhost | DexNav (Surfing):
#593 | Jellicent | WaterGhost | Evolve Frillish |
#594 | Alomomola | Water | DexNav (Surfing):
#595 | Joltik | BugElectric | DexNav: Route 116 |
#596 | Galvantula | BugElectric | Evolve Joltik |
#597 | Ferroseed | GrassSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#598 | Ferrothorn | GrassSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#599 | Klink | Steel | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#600 | Klang | Steel | Evolve Klink |
#601 | Klinklang | Steel | Evolve Klang |
#602 | Tynamo | Electric | Mirage Spot – Mirage Cave |
#603 | Eelektrik | Electric | Evolve Tynamo |
#604 | Eelektross | Electric | Evolve Eelektrik |
#605 | Elgyem | Psychic | DexNav:
#606 | Beheeyem | Psychic | Evolve Elgyem |
#607 | Litwick | GhostFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#608 | Lampent | GhostFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#609 | Chandelure | GhostFire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#610 | Axew | Dragon | DexNav: Granite Cave |
#611 | Fraxure | Dragon | Evolve Axew |
#612 | Haxorus | Dragon | Evolve Fraxure |
#613 | Cubchoo | Ice | DexNav: Shoal Cave |
#614 | Beartic | Ice | Evolve Cubchoo |
#615 | Cryogonal | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#616 | Shelmet | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#617 | Accelgor | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#618 | Stunfisk | GroundElectric | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#619 | Mienfoo | Fighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#620 | Mienshao | Fighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#621 | Druddigon | Dragon | DexNav: Meteor Falls |
#622 | Golett | GroundGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#623 | Golurk | GroundGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#624 | Pawniard | DarkSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#625 | Bisharp | DarkSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#626 | Bouffalant | Normal | DexNav: Route 113 |
#627 | Rufflet | Normal | Mirage Spots – Mirage Mountain |
#628 | Braviary | Normal | Soaring with the Eon Flute |
#629 | Vullaby | Dark | Mirage Spots – Mirage Mountain |
#630 | Mandibuzz | Dark | Evolve Vullaby |
#631 | Heatmor | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#632 | Durant | BugSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#633 | Deino | DarkDragon | DexNav: Meteor Falls |
#634 | Zweilous | DarkDragon | Evolve Deino |
#635 | Hydreigon | DarkDragon | Evolve Zweilous |
#636 | Larvesta | BugFire | Mirage Spots – Mirage Forest, Mirage Island |
#637 | Volcarona | BugFire | Evolve Larvesta |
#638 | Cobalion | SteelFighting | Pathless Plain |
#639 | Terrakion | RockFighting | Pathless Plain |
#640 | Virizion | GrassFighting | Pathless Plain |
#641 | Tornadus | OR exclusive: Storm cloud above Fortree City (soaring) | |
#642 | Thundurus | Electric | AS exclusive: Storm cloud above Fortree City (soaring) |
#643 | Reshiram | DragonFire | OR exclusive: Fabled Cave |
#644 | Zekrom | DragonElectric | AS exclusive: Fabled Cave |
#645 | Landorus | Ground | Storm cloud above Fortree City (soaring) |
#646 | Kyurem | DragonIce | Gnarled Den |
#647 | Keldeo | WaterFighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#648 | Meloetta | NormalPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#649 | Genesect | BugSteel | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#650 | Chespin | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#651 | Quilladin | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#652 | Chesnaught | GrassFighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#653 | Fennekin | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#654 | Braixen | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#655 | Delphox | FirePsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#656 | Froakie | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#657 | Frogadier | Water | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#658 | Greninja | WaterDark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#659 | Bunnelby | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#660 | Diggersby | NormalGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#661 | Fletchling | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#662 | Fletchinder | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#663 | Talonflame | Fire | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#664 | Scatterbug | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#665 | Spewpa | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#666 | Vivillon | Bug | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#667 | Litleo | FireNormal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#668 | Pyroar | FireNormal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#669 | Flabebe | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#670 | Floette | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#671 | Florges | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#672 | Skiddo | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#673 | Gogoat | Grass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#674 | Pancham | Fighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#675 | Pangoro | FightingDark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#676 | Furfrou | Normal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#677 | Espurr | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#678 | Meowstic | Psychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#679 | Honedge | SteelGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#680 | Doublade | SteelGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#681 | Aegislash | SteelGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#682 | Spritzee | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#683 | Aromatisse | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#684 | Swirlix | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#685 | Slurpuff | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#686 | Inkay | DarkPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#687 | Malamar | DarkPsychic | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#688 | Binacle | RockWater | Mirage Spots – Mirage Island |
#689 | Barbaracle | RockWater | Evolve Binacle |
#690 | Skrelp | PoisonWater | DexNav (Surfing) (OR exclusive):
#691 | Dragalge | PoisonDragon | Evolve Skrelp |
#692 | Clauncher | Water | DexNav (Surfing) (AS exclusive):
#693 | Clawitzer | Water | Evolve Clauncher |
#694 | Helioptile | ElectricNormal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#695 | Heliolisk | ElectricNormal | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#696 | Tyrunt | RockDragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#697 | Tyrantrum | RockDragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#698 | Amaura | RockIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#699 | Aurorus | RockIce | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#700 | Sylveon | Fairy | Evolve Eevee (high friendship while knowing Fairy-type move) |
#701 | Hawlucha | Fighting | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#702 | Dedenne | ElectricFairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#703 | Carbink | RockFairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#704 | Goomy | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#705 | Sliggoo | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#706 | Goodra | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#707 | Klefki | SteelFairy | DexNav: Route 113 |
#708 | Phantump | GhostGrass | DexNav: Petalburg Woods |
#709 | Trevenant | GhostGrass | Evolve Phantump |
#710 | Pumpkaboo | GhostGrass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#711 | Gourgeist | GhostGrass | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#712 | Bergmite | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#713 | Avalugg | Ice | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#714 | Noibat | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#715 | Noivern | Dragon | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#716 | Xerneas | Fairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#717 | Yveltal | Dark | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#718 | Zygarde | DragonGround | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#719 | Diancie | RockFairy | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#720 | Hoopa | PsychicGhost | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |
#721 | Volcanion | FireWater | Unobtainable in-game (trade required) |