The table below lists all possible Horde encounters in Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. We’ve also listed the best location for each horde, along with a list of all possible locations where it can spawn.
Dex No. | Pokémon | EVs Earned | Optimal Horde Location | All Locations |
#027 |
Sandshrew |
1 Defense Point each |
Route 111 (Desert) – Sand (100%)
#037 |
Vulpix |
1 Speed Point each |
Mt. Pyre (Exterior) – Tall Grass (5%)
#041 |
Zubat |
1 Speed Point each |
Meteor Falls – Cave (100%)
#042 |
Golbat |
2 Speed Point each |
Sky Pillar – Interior (60%)
#043 |
Oddish |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 117 – Tall Grass (60%) (includes 1 Wild Zigzagoon per Oddish Horde)
#054 |
Psyduck |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Safari Zone – Tall Grass (5%)
#066 |
Machop |
1 Attack Point each |
Jagged Pass – Tall Grass (65%)
#074 |
Geodude |
1 Defense Point each |
Granite Cave 1F – Cave (35%) (includes 1 Wild Makuhita per Geodude Horde)
#081 |
Magnemite |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 110 – Tall Grass (60%)
#084 |
Doduo |
1 Attack Point each |
Safari Zone – Tall Grass (60%)
#88 |
Grimer (AS) |
1 HP Point each |
Fiery Path – Cave (35%)
#100 |
Voltorb |
1 Speed Point each |
New Mauville – Interior (65%)
#109 |
Koffing (OR) |
1 Defense Point each |
Fiery Path– Cave (35%)
#168 |
Ariados |
2 Attack Point each |
Sky Pillar – Interior (35%)
#183 |
Marill |
1 HP Point each |
Route 120 – Tall Grass (35%)
#218 |
Slugma |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Fiery Path – Cave (5%)
#227 |
Skarmory |
2 Defense Point each |
Route 113 – Tall Grass (5%)
#261 |
Poochyena |
1 Attack Point each |
Route 103 (West) – Tall Grass (35%)
#263 |
Zigzagoon |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 101 – Tall Grass (95%)
#265 |
Wurmple |
1 HP Point each |
Petalburg Woods – Tall Grass (60%)
#270 |
Lotad (AS) |
1 Sp. Defense Point each |
Route 102 – Tall Grass (35%)
#273 |
Seedot (OR) |
1 Defense Point each |
Route 102 – Tall Grass (35%)
#276 |
Taillow |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 104 (North) – Tall Grass (5%)
#278 |
Wingull |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 118 – Tall Grass / Long Grass (35%)
#280 |
Ralts |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 102 – Tall Grass (5%)
#285 |
Shroomish |
1 HP Point each |
Petalburg Woods – Tall Grass (5%)
#290 |
Nincada |
1 Defense Point each |
Route 116 – Tall Grass (35%)
#293 |
Whismur |
1 HP Point each |
Rusturf Tunnel – Cave (100%)
#294 |
Loudred |
1 HP Point each |
Victory Road – Cave (5%)
#296 |
Makuhita |
1 HP Point each |
Granite Cave 1F – Cave (35%) (includes 1 Wild Geodude per Makuhita Horde)
#300 |
Skitty |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 116 – Tall Grass (5%)
#302 |
Sableye (AS) |
1 Attack Point and 1 Defense Point each |
Granite Cave B2F – Cave (5%)
#303 |
Mawile (OR) |
1 Attack Point and 1 Defense Point each |
Granite Cave B2F – Cave (5%)
#304 |
Aron |
1 Defense Point each |
Granite Cave B1F – Cave (40%)
#307 |
Meditite |
1 Speed Point each |
Mt. Pyre (Exterior) – Tall Grass (35%)
#309 |
Electrike |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 118 – Tall Grass (60%)
#311 |
Plusle |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 110 (AS) – Tall Grass (35%) Route 110 (OR) – Tall Grass (5%)
#312 |
Minun |
1 Speed Point each |
Route 110 (AS) – Tall Grass (5%) Route 110 (OR) – Tall Grass (35%)
#315 |
Roselia |
2 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 117 – Tall Grass (35%)
#322 |
Numel |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 112 – Tall Grass (65%)
#325 |
Spoink |
1 Sp. Defense Point each |
Jagged Pass – Tall Grass (35%)
#327 |
Spinda |
1 Sp. Attack Point each |
Route 113 – Tall Grass (95%)
#333 |
Swablu |
1 Sp. Defense Point each |
Route 115 – Tall Grass (100%)
#352 |
Kecleon |
1 Sp. Defense Point each |
Route 118 – Tall Grass (5%)
#353 |
Shuppet |
1 Attack Point each |
Mt. Pyre (Interior) – Interior (100%)
#361 |
Snorunt |
1 HP Point each |
Shoal Cave (Ice Room) – Cave (5%)
#363 |
Spheal |
1 HP Point each |
Shoal Cave (High Tide) – Cave (60%)
#371 |
Bagon |
1 Attack Point each |
Meteor Falls (Deepest Room) – Cave (5%)