Location Mt Pyre (4F) – Northeast corner of the floor
Use On Medicham
Mega Evolution Mega Medicham

Medicham’s Mega Stone (Medichamite) can be found on the fourth floor of the building in Mt. Pyre, a memorial site for Pokémon. You’ll find the Mega Stone in the top-right corner of the room, directly to the right side of the memorial monument.

You’ll also need a Pokémon that knows HM03 Surf since you’ll need to Surf on Route 122 to access Mt. Pyre.


When you’re ready to get started, fly to Route 121 and we’ll guide you to Mt. Pyre from there.

Step 1: From the Route 121 sign, start following the path heading east.

Biking along Route 121
Biking along Route 121

Step 2: Turn and go down the stairs when you see them, and keep going south to use this route’s south exit onto water.

Exiting Route 121
Exiting Route 121

Step 3: Use HM03 Surf to go south on Route 122.

Surf spot on Route 122
Surf spot on Route 122

Step 4: Follow the path heading south, then wrap around going east until Mt. Pyre’s entrance is visible.

Surfing around Mt. Pyre
Surfing around Mt. Pyre

Step 5: Disembark at the cavern-shaped hole in the mountain to enter Mt. Pyre.

Mt. Pyre’s entrance
Mt. Pyre’s entrance

Step 6: Once inside, follow the hallway heading north, then walk toward the northwest side of the room.

Inside the first floor of Mt. Pyre
Inside the first floor of Mt. Pyre

Step 7: Climb the staircase here near the Hex Maniac to reach the second floor.

The staircase on the left side of the room
The staircase on the left side of the room

Step 8: On the second floor, make your way toward the right side of the room.

The second floor of Mt. Pyre
The second floor of Mt. Pyre

Step 9: Climb up another set of stairs to reach floor #3.

The staircase on the right side of the room
The staircase on the right side of the room

Step 10: In this room, there are two exits. The exit on the south hallway leads to the mountain’s summit outside, while the staircase on the left leads to the fourth floor of the building.

We want to reach the fourth floor, so make your way over to the left.

The third floor of Mt. Pyre
The third floor of Mt. Pyre

Step 11: Use the staircase located in the upper left side of this room to get to the building’s highest floor.

The hallway that leads to the fourth floor of the building
The hallway that leads to the fourth floor of the building

Step 12: On the fourth floor, make your way towards the northeast part of the room.

The fourth floor of Mt. Pyre
The fourth floor of Mt. Pyre

Step 13: In the top-right corner of the room, interact with the sparkling item directly beside the memorial monument to obtain the Medichamite.

The location of the Medichamite
The location of the Medichamite
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