Location Route 127 – In the southeast corner of the beach
Use On Heracross
Mega Evolution Mega Heracross

Heracross’ Mega Stone (Heracronite) can be found on Route 127. You can pick up the Mega Stone on the route’s southeastern beach area.

Route 127 is directly south of Mossdeep City, so you’ll need to have access to Mossdeep first before you can pick up the Mega Stone.


Start by flying to Route 127.

Step 1: From the Route 127 sign, turn right and get off the island by using HM03 Surf.

Surf spot on Route 127
Surf spot on Route 127

Step 2: Start surfing straight down.

Surfing along Route 127
Surfing along Route 127

Step 3: When you pass by an Ace Trainer, start heading southeast.

Passing by an Ace Trainer
Passing by an Ace Trainer

Step 4: Go through the narrow opening on the southeast side of this area.

The path that leads to the small beach
The path that leads to the small beach

Step 5: Swim straight down until you land on a small beach area.

The small beach area on Route 127
The small beach area on Route 127

Step 6: Turn left and walk towards the bottom-left corner. Then interact with the sparkling item in the corner to obtain the Heracronite.

The location of the Heracronite
The location of the Heracronite
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