Location Battle Resort – Inside the custodian’s cottage, northeastern part of the island
Use On Gengar
Mega Evolution Mega Gengar

The Gengarite, Gengar’s Mega Stone, can be found in the custodian’s cottage at the Battle Resort. The custodian’s cottage is on the northeastern part of the island, and his cottage also contains a variety of other items you can get for free.

But the Battle Resort area is only accessible after completing the Delta Episode.


After completing the Delta Episode, Norman in Littleroot Town will give you the S.S. Ticket. You can then board the S.S. Tidal and travel to the Battle Resort.

Step 1: Start outside the Battle Resort’s Pokémon Center. Begin heading east from the Battle Resort’s Pokémon Center.

Battle Resort’s Pokémon Center
Battle Resort’s Pokémon Center

Step 2: Continue east, past the Day-Care Center.

Outside the Day-Care Center
Outside the Day-Care Center

Step 3: Once you’re past the white picket fence, turn and go north.

If it’s your first time here, a brief cutscene involving Looker will begin to play.

Battle Resort’s southeast side
Battle Resort’s southeast side

Step 4: In the Battle Resort, the camera automatically rotates as you travel along the beach.

But just follow the same road, traveling east alongside the ocean after the camera rotates.

Biking on the island's east side
Biking on the island’s east side

Step 5: Proceed east and look for some palm trees and cottages.

The island's northeast corner
The island’s northeast corner

Step 6: The camera should rotate once again at this point.

Just keep going down towards the water’s edge, then go into the nearby cottage (pictured below).

Outside the custodian’s cottage
Outside the custodian’s cottage

Step 7: To obtain the Gengarite, pick up the sparkling item sitting on the north side of the room.

The location of the Gengarite
The location of the Gengarite
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