Location Any Pokémon Center – Have Diancie in your party when you enter any Pokémon Center
Use On Diancie
Mega Evolution Mega Diancie

You’ll get Diancie’s Mega Stone (Diancite) when you enter any Pokémon Center with a Diancie in your party. But since there are no current events that would allow you to acquire a Diancie, you’ll need to use cheats or acquire one by trading with someone else.

After a brief cutscene in the Pokémon Center, an NPC will give you the Mega Stone.


The only requirement to obtain the Diancite is to have a Diancie in your current party.

It’s worth noting that there aren’t any current distribution events for Diancie, making it impossible to obtain one legally. Unless you can find someone willing to trade you a Diancie, you won’t be able to obtain the Diancite (other than using cheats).

Step 1: If you already have Diancie in your party, enter any Pokémon Center to trigger the event.

If you still need to withdraw your Diancie from the PC, simply withdraw it, then leave and re-enter the Pokémon Center to start the event.

Near the Pokémon Center entrance
Near the Pokémon Center entrance

Step 2: Upon entering the Pokémon Center, a Black Belt and a Gentleman NPC will attempt to persuade you to give them your Diancie.

Regardless of your response, a child will then arrive and present you with the Diancite.

The NPC giving you the Diancite
The NPC giving you the Diancite
Back to: Mega Stones