Location Meteor Falls (2F) – Left side of the ledge room down some jumpable ledges
Use On Aerodactyl
Mega Evolution Mega Aerodactyl

Aerodactyl’s Mega Stone (Aerodactylite) can be found on the highest floor of Meteor Falls. This is a cave west of Fallarbor Town.


Most Mega Stones, including Aerodactyl’s Mega Stone, are only obtainable after you defeat/catch Kyogre or Groudon in Sootopolis City; more specifically, in the Cave of Origin.

After you finish those events, the Aerodactylite can be found inside Meteor Falls. So to obtain the Aerodactylite you’re going to need the following:

Tip: Bring a Pokémon with Dig or an Escape Rope to escape immediately after getting your Mega Stone.


If you’re all set, fly to Meteor Falls to get started.

Step 1: Enter the cave, and once you’re inside immediately head west.

Outside Meteor Falls
Outside Meteor Falls

Step 2: Head down the stairs and use Surf on the body of water directly in front of the waterfalls.

Inside Meteor Falls
Inside Meteor Falls

Step 3: Use Waterfall to climb up the large waterfall in front of you (you’ll be facing the northern side of the cave).

Using Waterfall to access the upper levels of Meteor Falls
Using Waterfall to access the upper levels of Meteor Falls

Step 4: Keep surfing north, then land on the patch of land you bump into. Go through the cave entrance on the north wall here.

The cave entrance above the waterfalls
The cave entrance above the waterfalls

Step 5: Once you’re in the next room start walking right.

At the end of this path you’ll come to a ladder – go down this ladder once you reach it.

The ladder that leads to a lower floor in Meteor Falls
The ladder that leads to a lower floor in Meteor Falls

Step 6: In the next room, follow the path heading left, then turn north past the Dragon Tamer.

Walking past two trainers inside the cave
Walking past two trainers inside the cave

Step 7: Climb up the ladder at the very end of the path.

The ladder that leads to the highest floor in Meteor Falls
The ladder that leads to the highest floor in Meteor Falls

Step 8: In the next room, head right past the Old Couple, then turn to start going north up some steps.

In front of the Old Couple
In front of the Old Couple

Step 9: Go up all of the stairs, and then go down six ledges. Make sure you only go down 6 ledges in total, or you’ll miss the mega stone.

Going down the ledges
Going down the ledges

Step 10: Interact with the sparkling item located directly before the seventh ledge (you’ll find it in the very lower-right corner). This is your Aerodactylite.

The location of the Aerodactylite
The location of the Aerodactylite
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