Safety Goggles
# Method Repeatable?
1 Route 111 – Gift from a Bug Maniac NPC No
2 Battle Maison’s Exchange Service Corner – 48 BP Yes

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire there are two ways to obtain Safety Goggles.

Your first option is to get Safety Goggles as a present from a Bug Maniac, who is situated on the eastern portion of the desert area of Route 111.

But if you need more Safety Goggles then you’ll need to visit the Battle Maison’s Exchange Service Corner. Here you can trade 48 Battle Points (BP) for Safety Goggles, and you can do this an unlimited number of times.

Method 1: Route 111

Once you’ve obtained the Go-Goggles then just follow the steps below to find the Bug Maniac on Route 111.

Step 1: Find your way to Route 111 and from the route signpost, make your way northeast, moving past the Backpacker.

Route 111 signpost going north
Route 111 signpost going north

Step 2: With the Go-Goggles automatically equipped, make a right turn and venture east into the desert.

The Go-Goggles allow you to traverse the desert
The Go-Goggles allow you to traverse the desert

Step 3: Proceed further east, going past the Camper NPC.

Running past a Camper
Running past a Camper

Step 4: You’ll soon encounter a patch of deep sand that will slow you down.

From this point, start moving directly south.

East side of the desert
East side of the desert

Step 5: Stay on the southbound path and before long you’ll spot a Bug Maniac on your right.

Talk to him to receive the Safety Goggles.

Bug Catcher that gives you the Safety Goggles
Bug Catcher that gives you the Safety Goggles

Method 2: Battle Maison’s BP Shop

The Battle Maison operates similarly to the Battle Tower from previous generations. On the second floor you’ll find the Exchange Service Corner attendants.

If you’ve got at least 48 BP then you can purchase the Safety Goggles here.

Exchanging BP for useful items
Exchanging BP for useful items


The Safety Goggles are a held item that protects the holder from weather-related damage such as Hail and Sandstorm. It also protects the holder from powder and spore moves.

Here’s a list of all the moves/abilities that the Safety Goggles can guard against:

Move Type Category Effect
Cotton Spore Grass Status Move Lowers the target’s Speed stat by two stages.
Powder Bug Status Move Damages the target if it uses a Fire-type move and prevents that move’s usage.
Poison Powder Poison Status Move Poisons the target.
Rage Powder Bug Status Move Draws attention to make targets attack the user.
Sleep Powder Grass Status Move Puts the target to sleep.
Spore Grass Status Move Puts the target to sleep.
Stun Spore Grass Status Move Paralyzes the target.
Effect Spore Grass Ability May cause paralysis, sleep, or poison on contact with the user.
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