All Razor Claw Locations
# Method Repeatable?
1 Battle Maison’s Exchange Service Corner – 48 BP Yes
2 Crescent Isle and Mirage Forests – Possible hidden item Yes

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire there are two ways to obtain a Razor Claw.

Method #1: The Battle Maison’s Exchange Service Corner will sell Razor Claws for 48 Battle Points (BP) each. The Battle Maison is located at the Battle Resort, which you can only access in the post-game.

Method #2: You have the chance to find a Razor Claw in Crescent Isle and in any Mirage Forest location. By using the Dowsing Machine you can scour these areas for hidden items, one of which can be the Razor Claw.

Method 1: Battle Maison’s BP Shop

The Battle Maison operates similarly to the Battle Tower from previous generations.

At the Exchange Service Corner, the right attendant sells held items used in battles, including the Razor Claw.

Method 2: Crescent Isle & Mirage Forests

Upon obtaining the Eon Flute from Steven, you’ll be able to soar through Hoenn’s skies, granting you access to Mirage Spots.

Using the Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Razor Claw
Using the Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Razor Claw

Each day a random Mirage Spot appears on the outskirts of Hoenn, marked by a red sparkle. And on any Mirage Forests or on Crescent Isle, you can find various hidden items including a Razor Claw. And each day you can find one unique item per spot.

The image below highlights all possible Mirage Forest locations, as well as the fixed location of Crescent Isle. If none of the Mirage Spots below are currently active in your file then you can adjust the time settings on your 3DS or emulator until any of them appear.

Mirage Spots with Razor Claw Map of the Hoenn Region
Crescent Isle (South of Ever Grande City)
Crescent Isle (Yellow) and every Mirage Forest (Red) / Pokémon ORAS
Crescent Isle (Yellow) and every Mirage Forest’s (Red) locations
West of Route 105
South of Route 109
North of Route 111
West of Route 114
North of Lilycove City
North of Route 124
East of Mossdeep City
South of Route 132


In Battle

The Razor Claw is a held item that boosts the Critical-Hit Ratio of the holder’s moves by one stage. This means that any attacking move used by the holder has a higher chance of landing a Critical Hit. This item works exactly like the Scope Lens.

Landing a Critical Hit in battle boosts damage by 50%. Additionally, Critical Hits ignore the attacker’s negative stat stages and the defender’s positive stat stages.

Critical Hit probability is calculated in stages, with each stage increasing the chances of landing one.

Most attacking moves will begin at Stage 0. But with a Razor Claw, all the holder’s moves begin at Stage 1. The stages and their chances of landing a Critical Hit are listed below:

Stage Chance of Critical Hit (Gen 6)
0 6.25%
+1 12.5%
+2 50%
+3 and above 100%

Pokémon capable of learning high critical-hit ratio moves such as Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, or Shadow Claw can significantly benefit from a Razor Claw.

Outside of Battle

The Razor Claw also serves as an Evolutionary item.

When a Sneasel holding a Razor Claw levels up at night, it evolves into Weavile. After evolving the Razor Claw is consumed and disappears.

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