Best EV Training Areas

The table below shows the best location for EV Training with Horde Battles:

Main Stat Location Pokémon Horde Rate
HP Rusturf Tunnel Whismur 100%
Attack Mt. Pyre Shuppet 100%
Defense Route 111 (Desert Area) Sandshrew 100%
Special Attack Route 119 Oddish 100%
Special Defense Route 115 Swablu 100%
Speed Route 104 Zigzagoon / Wingull / Taillow 100%
Note: We also have a separate page that lists every Pokémon’s EV yields when defeated in battle.

EV Training with Horde Battles

Using Sweet Scent outside of battle
Using Sweet Scent outside of battle

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Horde Battles are the fastest method for EV training. Also known as Horde Encounters, these battles involve facing 5 wild Pokémon at the same time.


Before you start EV Training with Horde Battles, here are some things you should prepare first:

  • Pokémon with the move Sweet Scent. Similar to an HM, you can use Sweet Scent outside of battles in tall grass or in caves to instantly trigger a Horde Battle. Below is a list of catchable Pokémon that can learn Sweet Scent:
Pokémon Location Learns Sweet Scent at
Oddish Route 110, Route 117, Route 119, Route 120, Safari Zone Lv. 5
Gloom Route 119, Route 120, Route 121, Route 123 Lv. 5
Surskit Route 102, Route 111, Route 114, Route 117 Lv. 9
Masquerain Route 102, Route 111, Route 114, Route 117, Route 120, Route 123, Petalburg City Lv. 9
Mawile Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar, Victory Road (OR) Lv. 13
Illumise Route 117 Lv. 5
Roselia Route 117 Lv. 31
Tropius Route 119, Route 120 Lv. 6
Tip: You can use Honey as an alternative to Sweet Scent, as they function similarly. However, Sweet Scent can be used over and over again.
  • Pokémon with a Multi-Target Move. Moves such as Earthquake and Surf can defeat the entire horde quickly. Then just bring a high-leveled Pokémon to the battle, and the EXP Share will distribute the same amount of EVs to the entire team after every battle.
  • Pokérus + Power Items. Though it’s not necessary, it’s recommended to have at least one of these while EV Training to drastically speed up the time it takes to max out your Pokémon’s EVs. Check out the “How Much EVs You’ll Gain Per Battle” section below for more details.

Best EV Training Spots for Each Stat

Map of the best EV training spots
Map of the best EV training spots

The following locations offer the best EV Training Spots for each stat. By using Sweet Scent to trigger Horde Battles in these areas, you’re guaranteed to encounter Pokémon that yield EVs specifically for the stat you’re training.

HP – Rusturf Tunnel

Rusturf Tunnel
Rusturf Tunnel
Location Rusturf Tunnel
Horde Whismur
EV Yield 1 HP EV each
Levels 5
Rate 100%

Attack – Mt. Pyre

Inside Mt. Pyre
Inside Mt. Pyre
Location Mt Pyre 1F-4F
Horde Shuppet
EV Yield 1 Attack EV each
Levels 15
Rate 100%

Defense – Route 111 (Desert Area)

Route 111’s desert area
Route 111’s desert area
Location Route 111 – Desert
Horde Sandshrew
EV Yield 1 Defense EV each
Levels 11
Rate 100%

Special Attack – Route 119

Route 119
Route 119
Location Route 119
Horde Oddish
EV Yield 1 Special Attack EV each
Levels 12
Rate 100%

Special Defense – Route 115

Route 115
Route 115
Location Route 115
Horde Swablu
EV Yield 1 Special Defense EV each
Levels 10
Rate 100%

Speed – Route 104

Route 104 (South)
Route 104 (South)
Location Route 104 (North and South) Route 104 (South) Route 104 (North)
Horde Zigzagoon Wingull Taillow
EV Yield 1 Speed EV each 1 Speed EV each 1 Speed EV each
Levels 2-3 2 3
Rate 95% 5% 5%
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